Fanfic Part 1: The Event

Edward Elric looked at the photo again. A single tear hit the glass frame, and he brushed it away with a gloved finger. How had things ended up like this?
He turned his head to his right, and he saw the ally brick wall. It was still splattered with blood from the event.
The event happened three months earlier. He was walking with Winry, and he was going to confess. He clasped her hands in his, and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, some nut job with an axe ran into the ally, the cops on his tail. The criminal quickly grabbed Winry by her hair, and held the axe to her neck.
“Take one more step,” he said. “And the girl gets it!”
Edward was paralyzed in fear. He heard Winry scream in terror,
“EDWARD!” She screamed out his name. The cops stopped dead, now aware that the life of an innocent girl was in their hands. Edward was frozen, if he moved, then Winry would die. If he didn’t do something, she would die too. Both ways, she would die, and it would be his fault.
“EDWARD! HELP, DO SOMETHING! HELP ME!” Winry tried to break from the criminal’s grasp, but he just held the axe closer to her delicate neck. Edward had to take a risk, one that would change his life.
“WINRY,” Edward yelled. “IF THIS DOESN’T WORK, I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU, I ALWAYS HAVE, AND ALWAYS WILL!” He clapped his hands together, and prepared to perform alchemy. The criminal sensed this notion, and threw Winry onto the ground. He lifted the axe, and it came down hard.
“EDWARD!” There was a scream, and a chunk. Blood spurted onto Edward’s clothes.
“WINRY!” He ran to her side. She was covered in blood, and was barley recognizable. She was shaking, and gasping. Her eyes turned to Edward. She lifted a blood covered hand, and touched Edward’s face.
“I…I love…you.” She released a long, final breath, and her eyes closed.
“Winry,” Edward’s eyes flooded with tears. “No, please!” He pulled her into his arms, and she was as limp as a rag doll. Her skin was as cold as ice. “Wake up Winry, take a little breath. Please, please wake up!” He let his tears fall onto her face.

Recalling the event made Edward cry harder. He looked down at the photograph. Winry looked so happy. He looked into her frozen eyes, and his finger drifted to her rosy cheeks.
“I’m sorry, so, so, sorry.”

