Fanfiction Part 8: I'll Stand by You

Kagome didn't expect Inuyasha to want to come along. She told him that she had to take a final.
"I'll go with you." What was he aiming at? Was he trying to apologize for calling her stupid. (Read Part 3: Holding My Hand)

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the well.
"Kagome, I'm sorry. Really, i am. Will you forgive me?" She squeezed his hand. That was enough of an answer for him.
"Hey sis! Inuyasha?! What are you doing here?" Sota asked, with an exited tone.
"Come on dear, I'll take you Inuyasha, and Sota for ice cream!" Said Mrs. Higurashi.
"Ok, thanks mom!" Smiled Kagome.

In the car, Mrs. Higurashi was up front, while sota was next to Inuyasha. The radio came on. Kagome regognized the tune as I'll stand by you, by The Pretenders. She rested hr head on Inuyasha and began to sing. "Oh, why you look so sad?
Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don't be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
cause Ive seen the dark side too
When the night falls on you
You don't know what to do
Nothing you confess
Could make me love you less

Ill stand by you
Ill stand by you
Wont let nobody hurt you
Ill stand by you

So if your'e mad, get mad
Don't hold it all inside
Come on and talk to me now
Hey, what you got to hide?
I get angry too
Well I'm a lot like you
When you're standing at the crossroads
And don't know which path to choose
Let me come along
cause even if you're wrong

Ill stand by you
Ill stand by you
Wont let nobody hurt you
Ill stand by you
Take me in, into your darkest hour

And Ill never desert you
Ill stand by you

And when...
When the night falls on you, baby
You're feeling all alone
You wont be on your own

Ill stand by you
Ill stand by you
Wont let nobody hurt you

Ill stand by you
Take me in, into your darkest hour
And Ill never desert you
Ill stand by you
Ill stand by you
Wont let nobody hurt you
Ill stand by you
Wont let nobody hurt you
Ill stand by you"
"EEEEEWWWW!" Yelled Sota. "Lovey Stuf!"


Fanfiction Part 7: Holding My Hand.

Madame Kazume wasn't expecting an injured girl to be there. She was shaking. This little wench must have broken the ice.
"I'll kill you first!" As she lunged to the freezing girl,an arrow went through her chest.
"HEY!" bellowed a preistess who had a bow and arrow. "Inuyasha's life is mine!"
As Madame Kazume was lying on the ground taking her last breaths,she wondered who this woman was, and why a holy woman like her had claimed a half demon's life. And then, she couldn't wonder at all.

Kikyo! Inuyasha thought, what is she doing here!?

"My life belongs to no one but me, Kikyo!" He said, pulling out Tensaiga.
"Put that thing down before someone else dies. I'm here to help." Inuyasha scoffed.
"Feh. I want no help from the likes of you." He felt Kagome pulling his arm.
"Inuyasha, don't. She wants to help us.We need all the help we can get." At this, Inuyasha grew angry.
"I'M STUPID?! YOU'RE THE HOTHEADED IDIOT! SIT BOY! SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT BOY!!!!!" Inuasha hit the ground over and over again. after being fully satisfied by his pain, she stomped off. Sango went after her.

"He's just always like that," Kagome complained. "He just gets so upset over things. But he can be so sweet. Once, when I was crying, he held me and sang to me until I fell asleep." (Read Part 3: The Hands of The Clock) "And once, he wanted to kill himself to save me pain."(Read Part 1: The Note)"It's not what I would call sweet, but it WAS, an act of love. I love him so much Sango, but I worry about him. When his Tensaiga broke, and he showed his full demon form, it scared me. It scared me because I thought that the Inuyasha I knew was gone forever."

Inuyasha felt terrible. He didn't know whether it was because of all the "Sits" she had just given him, or if it was because he had hurt her feelings. He looked up at the sky, it was dawn now, and he wanted so much to share that sunrise with Kagome in his arms. Kagome, he thought, I'll accept Kikyo's help, just for you. I'll stay a half demon, just for you. When I die, I want you with me, holing my hand.

Fanfic Part 6: Madame Kazume's Revenge

Madam Kazume sat in her lair, feeding on a fresh vile of pink mist. Emotions. She had gathered this one from a girl who was torn about her boyfriend's death.
"Feh," she scoffed. "Humans...and their petty issues. At least I can take away their pain. It gives me shivers to see them suffer. AND, I get their emotions, so tasty are human feelings. Next, I'll get to feed on the 'poor boy' who fell for my trick. Just like the rest of them did."
She pulled the cork off of a fresh vile. She wafted it's scent.
"Men, usually hide their true feelings, making this batch burn with desire. I love desire. It tastes so spicy."
Before the rim of the vile could touch her lips, the mist flew out of it, and floated out the door of the cave.
"WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS?! THIS BOY BROKE MY ICE HEART! BUT HOW?! HOW COULD HE ESCAPE ME?!" She screamed. "That's it! I'm finding this boy, and taking what he doesn't deserve to get,better yet, I'll get all of their emotions. Then, I'll just kill them, so they're out of my way."

Inuyasha heard a sound. It sounded like heavy footsteps. He lifted the blanket he was under, hoping not to wake Kagome. He gave her the rest of the blanket, and put his clothes on. (read between the lines ppl!) He walked outside, and saw Miroku, doing his best to carry Sango. Both were sopping.
"What happened?!" He interjected.
The two lay her down in frot of the fire. It woke Kagome. He stood up immediety, covering up with the blanket.
"I'm sorry Inuyasha, we'll have to continue what we were doing another night. My best friend is more important." He nodded. They wrapped her up in as many blankets as they could. She was still taking breaths. Small breaths, but breaths no less.

As Madame Kazume was walking up to the hut, but she wasn't alone.
"are you sure he's here?" She asked.
"Of course I am," said Shesshomuru. "Can you make your way from here?"
"I'm not stupid, of course I can. I just wasn't certain exactly where they were." The full demon left her.
"Finally, aparently he's tried to kill his brother many times." She sighed. "Never send a demon to do a witch's job." The spread out her hands.
"HEY! GET OUT HERE!" She yelled. The team waled out, Shippo was trailing them.
"I would've expected a spell from you...witch." Said Miroku.


Fanfic Part 5: Submerging Into Ice Cold Waters

When Miroku came back, Sango thought he was acting strange. He just walked by her, no preverted comments, no....nothing. Something had to be wrong. That night, while he was asleep, Sango sneaked into his room. He looked stiff, with the same neutral expression that he had ever since he came back. She touched his arm, but pulled her hand away quickly. He was ice cold. What had happened?
Sango decided to investigate.The river looked normal. Then, she fell in.
The water was cold, so cold, that she could not move. As she sunk further and further, she thought. What HAD happened to Miroku? Why can't I move? Why was I so worried about him anyway? Then, it dawned on her. I... I.... I LOVE HIM!

Miroku was enjoying his sleep. Not neccisarily enjoying it, because he couldn't feel. But then, he felt a stabbing pain in his heart. All he could think about was Sango. She needed his help. Acting on his instincs, he ran for the river. He saw something floating in the water. He dove in.
"SANGO!" He yelled, looking for her. He found her, deeply submerged in the ice cold water.
He did everything he could to keep her alive, but in the end, all he could do was hold her, trying to warm her up.
She opned her eyes slowly.
"You're ok..." She whispered. "I'm glad."
"It's ok..." He cried, trying to convince himself more than her. "We're ok."

Fanfic Part 4: The Witch of Ice Cold Hearts

A young man in a purple robe walked slowly and he sat himself down by a river.
Being in the prime of his youth, one would expect that he would be carefree... which he usually was. Out of nowhere, he buried his face in his hands. There were footsteps behind him.
"Poor boy." Cooed a voice. The voice itself was soothing and calm.
"Poor, poor boy. Trapped with a curse that will get the better of him. Cursed to be hated by the woman he loves." She pointed to herself. "Madam Kazume can take that all away. She can get rid of his pain, his fear, his sadness. Madame Kazume can make all better. Would the poor boy like that?" Miroku looked up.
"What would this involve." He asked her.
"Madam Kazume is not very picky. She needs the poor boy, and somewhere cold." She pointed to the river. "Can the poor boy get some water from that river for Madame Kazume... it can be cold."
Miroku used a cup to hold the water in, and returned to the woman.
"Madame Kazume needs the poor boy to lay down and close his eyes. Mafame Kazume is going to do a little operation." As he was laying on the ground, he felt something slicing his skin, where his heart was.
"Madame Kazume needs something from the poor boy. She needs him to think of all of the things he loves, hates, and fears." He heard her say. Something he loved...he thought of Sango...he hated Naraku, and he feared his wind tunnel.
Madame Kazume poured the water into Miroku's wound. She watched it spread through his bloodstream, and then encasing his heart and freezing around it. Hus wound automaticly healed. Out of his mouth, came a pink mist. She captured it in a clear vile. She grinned. Miroku opened his eyes.
"How does the poor boy feel?" She asked him. He replied in an emotionless tone.
"I don't." Madame Kazuma smiled, looking at the vile.