
Well for starters my Meme is in the hospital!!
her kidney was swollen and could have ruptured!!
they admitted her to hospital and I believe they have yet to find out why her kidney was swollen!!
I haven't had the chance to go visit her yet because my car won't make the trip to the hospital which is upsetting!!

I'm going to see when my mom is going to visit her and ride with her!!
hopefully the doctors will be able to find the cause and treat it and who knows maybe they'll find the cause to why as she keeps bleeding!!

aside from all that's going on with my meme things have been going well!!
I've been looking for a job with little to no success!!
theres nothing that pays well hiring at the moment which isn't good!!
I could get my job back at beef o bradeys,but for 4.65 an hour to be a waitresses slave and to do dishes ontop of that I think not!!

I've also been trying to find a new apartment and thats been just as good as the job hunt...no place will let me keep my kitties!!

well I'm off take care you guys and have fun!!TTYL!!HUGS!!^_^
