I'm Growing Up!

I'm finally growing up! I'm developing a more personal style in which I'm finding that my mediums are anything liquidy (such as watercolor or Indian Ink), and nothing animu-ish. ANIME! O mai Buh-jezuz! I haven't watched one in a LOOOONG time. Neither have I drawn any! I mean, if I wanna cartoon, it's always anime-ish. That's just how I doodle, but I'm growing up~~
I'm drawing with muh Indian Ink and making lovely still life paintings. I have two in the works and one finished. They're getting bigger and bigger too. My second WIP JUST fits my portfolio and my third WIP does not fit into it AT ALL. OoO
Working big is fun though. :)

What else? Um. I'm getting old. :(
My last year in high school. I should be getting more paintings in soon and applying for colleges. >.<


I still need recommendations too >___>"

Anywayz, I think I'll make a new account on this here site. It's really dusty and old and I feel like I have so much crap here I should start something new... nyuuu

R A W R~ Artistically, I'm growing up--and I like it. I finally feel like an artist. <3 . . .
