Stories: So Distant

Chapter 7

Haruko and Kotaro meet at Kotaro’s house to work on their reading homework – another project, a play, in fact, that they would have to present to make up their credit for the last one that turned into such a complete and utter disaster. “Keep it down in there,” Kotaro’s father orders them. “I’m still working.”

“Yes, Dad,” Kotaro replies.

Haruko hesitates before asking, “Does he work all the time like this?”

Kotaro nods. “That’s why Mom left. She got sick of it, and they divorced. I visit her every other weekend,’s not the same.”

Haruko looks down at her book. “Are you mad because Naoyuki made us fail?”

“We had it fine,” Kotaro says. “He knew all of his lines, and he did fine when we worked in class. Why’d he dump us like that?”

Haruko frowns. Somehow, she’d known this would happen. She felt like it was her fault for letting Kei and Tohru badmouth Naoyuki and make him upset. She felt bad for walking by like everyone else when they’d seen the bullies going at their cruel “game” that afternoon, ignoring Naoyuki’s cries for help. Just recalling his screaming sends chills down her spine.

“Haruko, you have to start it off,” Kotaro interrupts her thoughts.

“Maybe we should see if he’s okay,” Haruko says worriedly. “Maybe we should try the same play again with Naoyuki just for the teacher, but not in front of the whole class.”

Kotaro groans. “I don’t want to try that again. He’ll just freak out again, and we’ll have to do more work to make it up.”

“It’s my fault!” Haruko bursts out. “I made him upset, and he was nervous to work with us, even more than when the teacher made him read in front of the class! That’s why he froze up! Kotaro,..I feel sorry for him...”

Kotaro sighs. “Do you really want to? That bad?” Haruko nods solemnly. “All right,” Kotaro acquiesces. “I’ll talk to the teacher tomorrow morning.”


Haruko stands on the school walkway the next morning. She scans the crowds as the other students stroll past her. He’s still not here, she thinks. When she hears footsteps behind her, she turns to look. Kei and Tohru have appeared behind her. “Looking for someone?” Kei asks. Haruko nods reluctantly.

“Don’t tell me you’re waiting on that mute,” Tohru says cuttingly. “I thought we told you to forget about him! He’s only mooching off of you because he likes the attention!”

“I heard he earned you an F on your reading project. He ran out in the middle of it, right?” Kei points out.

“It’s only because he’s shy!” Haruko insists. “Naoyuki hates getting up in front of the class.”

“Whatever,” Tohru snaps. “You’ll be the one hurting at the end of this.”
Soon, Haruko and the other two girls are the only ones still on the school walkway. “Look,” Tohru says as she watches the gang of bullies come out of their hiding places and walk up to the school, “even the bullies have given up on him; he’s not coming.”

Haruko scans the sidewalks again. Finally, she hears feet pounding on the concrete. “Naoyuki!” she calls. She watches him run unsteadily down the sidewalk. Why is he limping like that? she wonders. He finally slows to a walk, panting heavily, then staggers and falls. “Naoyuki!” Haruko cries. “Naoyuki, are you okay?!” she cries again, her voice rising with alarm. She approaches him and kneels next to him. “Naoyuki!” She cautiously pats his shoulder; then, when that doesn’t seem to work, she shakes him gently. “Naoyuki!” His eyes finally ease open. He pulls away from Haruko, then suddenly flinches and grabs his side. “Are you okay?” Haruko asks him. He nods slowly. The bell rings; Kei and Tohru disappear down the walkway while Naoyuki and Haruko exchange knowing glances. “We’re late,” Haruko says. She gets up and holds her hand out to him. “C’mon, let me help you up.” Naoyuki hesitantly takes her hand, and she pulls him to his feet. He limps after her up the walkway and into the school, then Haruko drops him off in the office. “He passed out outside,” Haruko explains as the secretary gives her a hall pass. She shoots Naoyuki a concerned glance, then sets off for class.


“The teacher said ‘yes’ when I talked to her this morning,” Kotaro tells Haruko. He sips his ramen from the cup and wipes his mouth. “She’s giving us one more try at doing that play. It’s just gonna be her watching.”

Haruko nods, though she seems distracted. “That’s good,” she says hollowly.

“Now we’ll just have to see if Naoyuki will go for it,” Kotaro says.

Haruko glances down the aisle, then at the empty space next to her. “I think he’s hurt, Kotaro,” she says. “The bullies hurt him yesterday. He was in pain this morning.”

“Do you think he went home?” Kotaro asks.

“Maybe,” Haruko replies. Her head pops up when she finally sees Naoyuki come down the aisle. “Here he comes,” she tells Kotaro as she motions for Naoyuki to come to their table. Naoyuki approaches the table and sits down next to Haruko, his head bowed. “Hi,” Haruko greets him. “You okay?” Naoyuki nods somewhat.
“So,” Kotaro says, “we asked the teacher about retrying that play to earn the credit back. It’s just going to be us doing the play alone with the teacher. Are you up for it, Naoyuki?” Looking surprised, Naoyuki points toward himself.

“Yeah, you,” Kotaro says. “Well? Are you willing to try again?”

Naoyuki lowers his head, ashamed. I screwed up so bad the last time. What if I choke again? he thinks. He motions to them: screwing his hands as if he has a wrench, then pointing upward.

Haruko is completely and utterly confused. “This has nothing to do with screwing in something, Naoyuki,” she says.

Kotaro understands. “Yeah, you screwed up,” he says.

“It’s all right. We forgive you for last time,” Haruko says comfortingly. “After all, isn’t that what friends do?”

“But you’re not answering my question,” Kotaro breaks in. “Are you willing to retry it? It’ll just be the teacher watching instead of the whole class. Do you want to do it or not?”

Naoyuki lowers his head again and thinks. This is their last shot at making it up. If I screw up this time, I’ll only make things harder on them. But it seems wrong not to try, since it’s my fault they’re in this mess in the first place. He nods reluctantly.

Kotaro’s face softens. “Good to hear it,” he says. “Remember all your lines?” Naoyuki nods.

“Just in case, though, let’s meet and practice before we have to do it,” Haruko says. “You want to get together at my house?”

Naoyuki’s half-smile melts instantly. Not again...