
hey people! how is every1? im fine. but i am ground from the computer at my house... how sad.. i love the computer. good thing that we can log on at school now! but yeah so now i cant be on the computer unless im doing homework at home. but whatever. i miss the computer at home... i cant work on my videos! i want to finish this video for my friend alyson who moved away. i only got 1 min out of 5 mins done. thats sad but im working on it! so how was every1's easter? mine was ok... i went to my great grandma's and my 10 year old cousin was being a pervert! he scears me sometimes. but not as much as my bf... but w/e... i hope i pass my sco. st test on wedsday! i dont want to fail 8th grade... (i never failed anything... and i dont want to start now either). but there is alot of things i dont want to do. i hate it when taylor wants todo something and i dont... he will get mad at me if i dont do it... he acting like melinda and julia... but if i dont do what melinda and julia say i get hit in the head or just get hit... i hate it when they do that. im going to tell taylor that he is acting like them (thank god he does not hit me...) but yeah it gets on my nervese when people r like that... Grrrr. so i should do my english work. i have to look up an thing about prejudice... well ttyl

~ animekitty

im so sad

IM SO SAD! MY BEST FRIEND ALYSON MOVED! I MISS HER! i wish she could have stayed until the end of the school year! im going to be crying alot! this really sucks! im not mad at her for moving just really upset! ALYSON I MISS U! and i have this picture i want to show u and its a piture of nari and kaji! and im grounded! so now i only get 1 hour on the computer but only on tuseday and thursday. monday and wesday i cant go on the computer. and on weekends i have to do all my homework and chorse before i can get on the computer.

~ animekitty

Hey people!

Hey! whats up? im good! i just got done with lunch! hehe! lunch was good! i had pizza! (yum) So what did u guys have for lunch? was it good or bad? (yes i had sugar!)


Hey people! @ the momment I'm @ school! Its soo Kool now! i can message when I'm at school now! Its so fun! *hehe* now i dont have to do work. i can just pm people! ^^ but i should work alittle! (im not that lazy) talking about being lazy. I'm going to be on the girls track team this year...(hopefully) and IM GOING TO DO ANYTHING TO GET ON THE JV GIRL BASKETBALL TEAM! (god im going to be tried next year *sigh* oh well) SO HA! IM NOT THAT LAZY! Well I'm bored and should work on Sco. St. but im not. oh well. well i should go and get on the bus soon

~ animekitty

My video

This it my newest video! i was bored! it came out ok i guess! ^^u Tell me what u think of it!

~ Animekitty