Kaoru Kawahira

Kaoru is Keita's cousin. Contrary to Keita, Kaoru has a pack of ten Inukami and he is generally well-thought of, being more restrained and respectable of demeanor, although he is no less kind at heart. All Kaoru's inukami care deeply for him and he seems to return the sentiment, although his connection with Nadeshiko is strongest of all and is probably romantic in nature. Like Keita, Kaoru is quite athletic and a powerful magic-user; his signature move is to command the wind to deliver destructive blasts with the medium of an orchestra conductor's baton. It is later revealed that Kaoru is under a curse that planted him in a fake body, one that is close to dying. He shared this secret only with Nadeshiko, whom he revealed that he loved. He was raised by an evil magician that feeds off of the despair emitted by the people around him. Kaoru therefore had everything taken from him by the magician. He later sacrifices himself to save Nadeshiko, and it is then that he confesses his love.
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