Hey! Welcome to Anime Fans World! Basically, this is a world where people gather to share and talk about a different anime each month. You can ask to be added to the posters list. Feel free to post anything that you feel is related to that anime. And remember to have fun doing it! And this is my oc, Kaia. She loves to comment on the stuff I say.

Kaia: Hi everyone! i'm so excited! I can't wait to start!

Anime Randomness!: Zatch Bell!

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Dancing!!! 8D

O_O I had only seen the English version of this scene before. Never knew what the song was actually about! And then I watched it in Japanese...XD! Hooray for subtitles!

Funny Quotes:

Zatch: But what if....
Kiyo: What if, what if, what if my aunt had a mustache? She'd be my uncle.

Zatch: You ok, Kiyo?
Kiyo: Uh...yeah, sure. No worries. I just took a small explosion to the body and everything hurts. Other than that, I'm fine.

[Thinking to self] Speaking of pain and anger... [screen pans to Zatch clinging to Kiyo] This might be a strange question, but why is Zatch trying to bite me on the butt?

Partner of Tree Demon How long can you fight without the spells, DUDE?!

Zatch: That's what you think, you big loser! We're gonna take that mustauche of yours and tie it in a knot!

Victoream: (Japanese version) Very shit!


Zeno is Zatch's twin from the mamodo world. While Zatch is kind-hearted, Zeno is evil. Zeno hates his brother so much because Zatch inherited the Baou power from his father, the king and a thunder elementalist. Zeno, however, received nothing and therefore had to undergo really hard training.

Zeno's partner, Dufort, was like how Kiyo was in the beginning, and really would be meaningless if it wasn't for the fact that Zeno needed a partner to read his spells. Zeno's attacks are similar, but not exactly the same, like the spell Zatch has that shoots an electric dragon, Zeno has one that summons a wired five point object that shoots a beam of lightning the same size as the dragon.
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Kolulu was a mamodo forced to fight against her will. She told Zatch something very important that, since then, he would always keep with him for the fight to become the mamodo king. Unfortunately, Kolulu had two sides: a kind, peaceful one, and a destructive side. This made Kolulu eliminate herself from the batle to become king, but because she couldn't burn her own book, so she had Zatch and Kiyo to do it for her, thus sending Kolulu back to the Mamodo World.
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Lorie finds Kolulu outside in the rain, and she brings Kolulu home. We find out that her parents are busy by the notes on the bulletin board, and Lorie later says that this is not a family. She lets Kolulu stay in the house with her.

Eventually her book glows and she reads the word "zeruk", and then witness Kolulu transform. After what happened, she decided not to read from the book... until a vehicle almost hits Kolulu.

The transformed Kolulu wants to fight, but she doesn't because she's crying. She later finds out that if Kolulu's book gets burned (and it does), she'll be sent back to the mamodo world. This is heart breaking for her because now she is alone again.
She does show up in an anime episode talking to Zatch Bell about Kolulu.
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Li-en is the daughter of Li-Akron in Hong Kong. Her father had broken up every relationship that Li-en ever had on purpose. She said, "Every guy I dated left me as soon as they found out who you are." Won Rei however, didn't leave her. She teaches Won Rei martial arts to make him unbeatable, and she stays with Won Rei. Li-en also treats Won Rei's wounds.

One day, she finds out that Won Rei wants to stop fighting because he didn't want her to get hurt. She goes to her father, and Li-Akron tells her, "He's in a jail miles south of here... on Yougan Island. His cell is atop rugged mountains, and I've sent several employees as security guards." She gets sent to Japan to her grandma's house.

While in Japan, he escapes from two employees of her father. She sees a spell book, and steals it from Kiyo. She does apologize to Kiyo, and asks for his help to save Won Rei. While waiting for the boy with the red book (Kiyo), the two employees caught up with her. The Zaker spell, Zatch's first spell, shocks the same two.

Kiyo and Zatch help Li-en get to Won Rei, but a mamodo named Zabas, and his human partner were at the top of the mountain. She gets to the cell that Won Rei is in, and eventually she admits that she loves Won Rei. Won Rei told her to go home, but she stands in front of the cell. Won Rei also told her to move, and she says, "What's wrong Won Rei? You said you didn't love me...so why are you worried about me?"

Zabas called Li-en worthless, and when Won Rei got out of the cell by the Go Boren spell, Won Rei wanted to send Zabas back to the mamodo world. After Zabas gets knocked out, Won Rei carries her towards the boat, and they see Li-en's father. Li-en's father let his daughter go with Won Rei.
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