stolen from Sweetea. Gomen ^^'

1. Real name: Not telling.
2. Nickname: Rose-chan, Miku-chan, Mera-chan, Mari-chan, Mimi-chan
3. Zodiac Sign: Taurus
4. Male or female: Female
5. High School: You don't need to know.
7. College: Not there yet
8. Hair color: Dark brown
9. Tall or short: What is your opinion of tall?
11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans.
12. Camera or phone: I don't care. I prefer computer.
13. Health freak: Yes.
14. Orange or Apple: They are both good.
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Not in a million years.
16. Eat or Drink: Drink
17. Piercings: Ear piercings
18. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi. DUH!

19. Been in an airplane: yep
20. Been in a relationship: Nope
21. Been in a car accident: Yep
22. Been in a fist fight: Yep
23. First piercing: when i was 18 months old, my ear piercings that is.
24. First best friend: I don't think i ever trusted someone in my life as much as i trusted ChinaSan
25. First award: It was a arabic story writing and poetry award. Also some type of award for the best grades in my class.

26. First crush: I said i never had one and i never will.
27. First word: They were actually two first words. "MAMA ABSIADADA!" it meant mama gimmie money. DON'T JUDGE.

29. Last person you talked to in person: My sister.
30. Last person you texted: Well not TEXTED but spoke with using an electronic device was ChinaSan.

31. Last person you watched a movie with: Myself.
32. Last food you ate: Sun cheddar chips
33. Last movie you watched: Man of steel.
34. Last song you listen to: The opening for kuroshitsuji. "Mochoromo no kiss" or at least thats what they call it.

35. Last thing you bought: A purse.
36. Last person you hugged: My pillow. HEY MY PILLOW IS A PERSON! MY PILLOW HAS FEELINGS!

37. Food: Dolma. (some middle eastern food thingy) and fried chicken! :D (everyone knows dat)

38. Drinks: Mango juice.
39. Bottoms: what da heck does that mean?
40. Flowers: Roses.
41. Animals: Rabbits and cats
42. Colors: Black, sometimes white.
43. Movies: I don't know.
44. Subjects: Science.

45. [ ] fallen in love with someone

46. [x] celebrated Halloween.
47. [ ] had your heart broken.
48. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [ ] had someone question my sexual orientation.
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret.
54. [x] broke a promise (A LOT)
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [ ] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [ ] pretended to be sick.
59. [x] left the country.
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [ ] ran a mile.
63. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [ ] hated someone. (i'd say dislike. hate is a very bad thing)
66. [x] stayed single for a whole year (SINGLE FOREVER PEOPLE!)

67. Eating: Nothing.
68. Drinking: Nothing.
69. Listening: Nothing
70. Sitting/Laying: sitting.
71. Plans for today: Go to sleep, I got somewhere to be tomorrow and 8:00 am in the mornin'.
72. Waiting: For something to happen

73. What College: You don't need to know, but i am planing to do surgery.
74. Want to get married?: AW HELL NO.
75. Career: Surgeon.


76. Lips or eyes: ?
77. Shorter or taller: ?
78. Romantic or spontaneous: ?
79. Nice stomach or nice arms: ?
81. Hook-up or relationship?: ?
82. Looks or personality?: ?


83. Lost glasses/contacts: no
84. Snuck out of a house: No.
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Not outside.
86. Killed somebody: No.
87. Broken someone's heart: No.
88. Been in love: No.
89. Cried when someone died: Yes.. A LOT, I AM SUCKER FOR STORIES LIKE THESE.


90. Yourself: Yes
91. Miracles: Yes,
92. Love at first sight: NO.
93. Heaven: Yes.
94. Santa Claus: HELL NO.
95. Sex on the first date: WELL SCREW DAT.
96. Kiss on the first date: HELL NO.

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: I am with my family and thats what matters to me.

98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yep.
99. Do you believe in God: Yes.
100. Are all your posts true: DEPENDS.... >.>
