Angel's Chronicles Chapters 1-8

Episode 3: Are the Twilights back?

Lenne, Momoko, and Takeshi sat at their desks just waiting for the bell to ring. It was the last hour before lunch and the clock was one small stroke away from ringing. But for some reason it didn’t move. No one knew why and everyone was getting anxious. Momoko looked closer at the clock but saw nothing not even it trying to move. Momoko sighed and looked to Lenne.

“Lenne-chan~” she closed her eyes and frowned “we’re never going to get outta here…the clock isn’t even trying to move…”

Takeshi stood up and grabbed the clock after standing on a desk to get it. He tapped the front of it then turned it over. There was a strange blackish aura surrounding the back of the clock. Takeshi ran his hand down the middle and the classroom’s colors distorted and only Momoko and Lenne seemed to notice. Takeshi was reciting something under his breath with his eyes closed. After he reopened his eyes rather quickly the colors of the room returned to normal and all that could be heard was the sound of the clock ticking again. The bell had finally rung and Takeshi returned the Clock to it’s original place above the door.

Momoko looked at Lenne, and Lenne looked at Momoko. They knew something was wrong. Humans couldn’t distort colors like he had just done. They walked out of the classroom and headed back to the car. But before they could leave something froze them to the spot. Takeshi had already left and one again the colors distorted but this time they were a crimson blood red as something whizzed by them. Their hair blew in wind that was never really there. Luckily they were alone in the room.

“Lenne-chan…I think we should come back here tonight and figure out what’s going on here…this isn’t right…”

“No really Momoko? The demon probably just wants to have a little fun then he’ll go back to hell where he belongs…” she rolled her eyes at Momoko’s air headedness.

“Shut up Lenne…” they ran out and got into the car and drove off.

It was 5:00 that evening and someone had walked into the military base. Momoko looked at the surveillance cameras. “T…Takeshi?”

Lenne looked at her with a funny look. “Yeah…you invited him over to study because you like him remember?”

“I do not Lenne…” she glared at Lenne and looked away.

“Fine if you won’t go greet him I will…and I’ll tell him about all your little feelings.” She smirked knowing that Momoko would get up and go greet him herself.

As Lenne had predicted Momoko got up and walked outside with a smile on her face. “Good evening Takeshi-kun…glad you could make it…”

“This is where you were going instead of on a date with me Taka-kun!?”

Takeshi rolled his eyes and turned around “I told you not to follow me Baka…”

The girls looked at him “Taka-kun why do you call me that?”

“Because you act like one…now go away…I don’t like preps…” he closed his eyes and walked forward. The girls stood there in awe not believing what she had just heard. Her tear docks welled up and she walked away.

“Sorry about that…she never leaves me alone…” he put his hand behind his head and sighed.

“It’s alright…Lenne-chan will meet us in the mess hall…I just hope she isn’t cooking…” she chuckled.

“Hey! I heard that!” Lenne popped a vein as she walked down to Takeshi and Momoko. Momoko smiled weakly as Lenne approached her. Lenne hit her in the back of the head and rested he hand on her hip.

“Alright you two owe me for showing you around the school so studying that’s the only reason I’m here…”

Momoko opened her eyes again “oh…right…” she smiled and started walking to the mess hall. After they studied for a few hours Takeshi left and Momoko and Lenne went into the control center.

“I still think that was a dumbass idea…”

Momoko glared at Lenne “as far as we know the twilight angels are still locked up right? So we have nothing to worry about…”

“What about what happened at the school…?”

“That’s what we’re finding out tonight remember?” she smiled grabbing her camcorder.

Lenne smirked as she took the camcorder form Momoko. “now that’s what I’m talking about” she smirked again and changed into her angel form. She had silver hair and red eyes. She had metal wings and had a clawed gauntlet.

“Be careful with that Twilight-chan…you’re claws could rip it into itty bitty pieces…”

Lenne or ‘Twilight’ smirked. “don’t worry about it…you know I’m careful with your stuff now hurry up and change to dove ya moron…”

Momoko smiled and changed. She has gleaming electric blue hair with red and black tips she has big full white angel’s wings and has deep violet eyes. The two walked out of the control room and took off into the air towards the school.

They walked into the classroom, the colors still distorted to their eyes. Lenne handed Momoko the camera and walked forward. There was someone other than the demon already there.

“Dove…start taping….alright?”

“right Twilight…but what about that guy?”

Twilight looked at him “It’s just another angel…don’t worry about him just do your job alright?”

Momoko nodded as she set up the camcorder. “alright it’s all ready!” she smiled with her eyes closed. She quickly opened them and turned around she flew back after getting hit by something to fast for her to even notice until the last second. She quickly used her wings to dodge the camcorder but instead she slammed into the desks and broke them. “aw man now we’re gonna have to explain this…” she rolled her eyes and used her wings to propel herself up and forward dodging yet another blow from something almost invisible. “Uh….Twilight! I think we’re in over our heads…”

“No you just need to concentrate! Quick it’s over here!”

“no! it’s over he—“ she got tossed into the wall by someone. She then noticed that the angel they saw earlier was gone. She slowly stood up and light surrounds one hand whereas feathers surround the other and chakrams appear from the light and feathers. She looks around and notices the wing movements a bit and starts blocking the attacks a bit. “Twilight, Something’s wrong, if these are demons why do they have wings!?”

“I-I don’t know!” she was more concentrated on the thing attacking her. It was much faster then the one attacking Dove and was unseeable, which made things even more difficult. She knew Dove could hold out for a while because she could at least see her opponent a bit.

Dove kept dodging “I have to end this quick…this is absolutely ridiculous!” She started spinning her chakrams in her hands allowing herself to get hit. “Troubling judgment!” she rose her chakrams into the air above her head and they spun together like gears and light started raining down and the things attacking Twilight and Dove froze, Paralyzed, and unable to move. She caught a glimpse of the enemy they both had black wings with yellow somewhere on them. As soon as they could they took off and Dove fell to her knees and her chakrams disappeared. She closed her eyes and sighed. She slowly stood up with the help of Twilight.

“get up…we have to go…”

“yeah…I’m getting up….” They both walked out of the school and flew back to the base. They changed back and walked into the control room. They sat at their computers and started typing their reports.

“Momoko…what did the wings of the twilight angels look like again?” Lenne had stopped typing and looked at Momoko.

“uh…” she stopped for a moment and put her index finger to her lips. “I think they were black and yellow…weren’t they?”

“are you sure?”

Momoko removed her finger from her lip and looked at Lenne “yeah…pretty sure…why?”

“well don’t you remember? When you paralyzed them they had black and yellow wings…I-I think that the barrier that the three old labeled angels died to put up has finally broken…which means those things that attacked us were—“

“Twilight angels…”

“exactly…meaning we’re going to have to find the other labeled angels and fast…”

“Right…” Momoko sighed closing her eyes leaning back in her chair. She looked at her computer screen and saved the report. She stood up and walked towards the door “I’m heading to bed…we can start looking tomorrow at school alright?”

Lenne only nodded and took a sip of pepsi. Momoko smiled and walked out.