Angel's Chronicles Chapters 1-8

Chapter 8: Tougher than Imagined…or is it? Part 2

Kaen: “huh?”

Momoko: “we’re the label angels…and you are the Emo label angel…” she whispered it to him

Lenne: she punched Momoko in the arm “Momoko! You’re supposed to wait till we get to the base!”

Kaen: “base?”

Momoko: “yeah the old abandoned military base…” she smiled again after furrowing her brows at Lenne.

Takeshi: “hey Lenne Momoko lets go…if something happens we won’t kno—“

Lenne: she holds up the wrist watch. “yes we will…or did you forget?”

Takeshi: he sighed.

Lenne: “well we might as well stay here till your finished because we have to gather your things anyways…”

Kaen: “huh?”

Momoko: “yep! You’re now living at the military base! Your own bunker and everything!” she smiled widely.

Kaen: “I don’t think so…”

Lenne: “you don’t have a choice…”

Momoko: “nope!” she turned to Lenne “hey maybe this whole gathering our comrades thing won’t be so hard after all!”

Lenne: “are you kidding!?”

Momoko: “well…we already found Takeshi and Kaen…”

Lenne: “So! That means nothing…”

Momoko: “it means the computer can help us…as soon as they kind of tap into their labeled power…like transforming into their labeled formed we can figure out their location from the energy that they emit!”

Lenne: “yeah but just because these two were smart enough to figure it out doesn’t mean the rest of them will be! Like that Damn prep one that we have to find!”

Momoko: “well…we’ll find them…” she smiled. “ And at the rate we’re going we’ll find them in no time!”

Lenne: “don’t you think it would be smart to teach them how to tap their power first, before we go finding the rest of them?”

Momoko: “oh yeah…I forgot you two are practically useless with out your power…” she smiled weakly. Everyone stopped talking about it as the doctor came in.

Doctor: “is everything alright?’

Momoko: “he just broke his leg…” she pointed to the broken leg.

Doctor: “right…we’ll need to take him to the radiology center…”

Momoko: “here we can take him if you want…”

Doctor: “I think it would be more comfortable for the nurses to carry hi—“

Kaen: “no it’s alright…they can do it…” he closed his eyes and scoffed, putting his arms around Momoko and Takeshi. “lets just get this over with…”

Momoko: she nodded “okay doc, just take us to the radiology center!” she stood up with Takeshi bringing Kaen with them.

Doctor: she smiled and led them to the radiology Center of the hospital.

Kaen: he winced in pain as they moved along to the X-ray room.

Momoko: she glanced at him “you alright?”

Kaen: he nodded. “Yeah…”

Momoko: “alright…lets go…”

Takeshi: “on three…”

Momoko: “one…”

Takeshi: “two…”

Both: “three” they hoist Kaen onto the table and take off all of the metal on his body. They roll up his pant leg and they back away.

Doctor: “thank you…” he smiled and put a lead apron on Takeshi to prevent Radiation overdose. “alright…stay still…” everyone gets behind a window through a door into another room as the doctor takes the X-rays.

[later in the waiting room]

Momoko: she sighs as they wait. “whats taking so long!?” she slouches in her chair.

Lenne: “they’re telling him whats going on stupid relax…we’ll have time…”

Takeshi: “have time for what?” he glared at the two.

Momoko: “for your first rigorous training activity! We’ll be doing one too but ours is going to be a lot harder!”

Lenne: “unfortunately we have to hurry and get stronger, faster, and smarter to take out these Twilight angels…so that’s what we’re doing today…”

Momoko: “luckily we still have records of the old twilight angels to work with…that way we can at least have the area’s twilights just as fast…we think anyways..”

Takeshi: “how can Kaen train? He has a broken leg…”

Momoko: “he won’t be…he’ll be practicing his flying…”

Takeshi: “oh…”

Lenne: “but boy…are you in for a treat! I still remember how much I hurt the first time I trained up there! It was such a pain! I think I can still feel it from the last time I went up there” she smirked.

Momoko: “shut up…stop trying to scare him…it’s not that bad…”

Lenne: “no just remember any damage you take inside that thing is for real…and take it seriously…”

Momoko: “right…or you could easily become nothing and die again…”

Takeshi: “what we can’t die…”

Momoko: “wrong…when an angel dies they become nothing…we basically no longer exist the only thing that proves we were actually here at all is the memories that we engraved into human minds…”

Doctor: he walked out with Kaen on crutches.

Momoko: “hey…how long will that cast be on?”

Doctor: “six weeks…”

Momoko: she sighed (thought: perfect…we can’t train him at all…theres no way it’ll take six weeks to learn to fly…more like 10 minutes…) she closes her eyes “alrioght then…we’ll get your stuff from your house tomorrow morning then…that way we don’t have to do get in the car…” she pointed to the door.

Kaen: he rolled his eyes but he wasn’t going to make a scene in a hospital plus he needed a ride home. So he (using crutches) walked out of the hospital with Takeshi, Momoko, and Lenne and got into the car.

Momoko: “TO HEAVEN!” she sped off to the base.

Kaen: “heaven…?”

Momoko: “yep!”

Kaen: he rolled his eyes.

[They arrived at the base and they walked up to one of the bunkers]

Takeshi: “I thought you said that there were only 8 bunkers…”

Momoko: “there are…this gets us to heaven…” she smiled.

[they stepped into the bunker to find an elevator, elevator music and everything.]

Kaen: “an elevator….to heaven?”

Momoko: she smiled “yep!”

Kaen: (thought: these people are weirder than I thought…) he rolled his eyes.

Lenne: she leans against the wall of the elevator next to Kaen “don’t worry…we all aren’t that crazy…just Momo-chan…My names Lenne by the way…That’s Momoko and the other one is Takeshi…”

Kaen: “right…Momoko’s the crazy one…I’ll try and remember that…” he closes his eyes as the elevator starts to move.


Momoko: “almost there!” the elevator stops and the doors open to a huge white hallway with doors all the way down to another door labeled DO NOT ENTER. “alright…the Flying Simulator is this first door on the left…as you can see we are already in our angel forms so please if you would Kaen step into that door on the left so you can practice your flying…Takeshi you’re working on your first attack so please go into the second door on the left Lenne you know what door you left off at so go to that door and we’ll meet back here in a half—“

???: Two men with Black and yellow wings appeared in front of them. “thanks for leading us to the elevator…heh…so…this is where you damn angels come from eh? Well…if we destroy this place does that mean that no one can stop us?” he smirked looking at them. He had black hair tipped with silver he wore glasses and a dark blue suit. His Hair was shoulder length and his eyes were yellow.

Dove: “get the hell out!” her Chakrams appear and she charges at the black haired man and started slashing at him.

???: he disappeared and reappeared behind her and restrained her. He whispered into her ear “you think you’re fast enough or strong enough to make us leave?”

Lenne: “Hey! Back off!” she ran up to him and tried to slash him with her clawed gauntlet.

???: he disappeared again and reappeared next to his comrade. “calm down…My name is Silven…this is Okami….now before you start suggesting a fight might you want to get your comrade out of harms way first?” his clawed hand rose up to Momoko’s throat.

Momoko: she sighed and bit his hand after he releases her she ran towards Takeshi and Kaen. “you take care of them Twilight…”

Twilight: “I was gonna anyways!” she ran at him again and started slashing repeatedly.

Silven: he dodged near everytime. He had a couple scratches on his suit and he grabs the gauntlet. “this is hopeless…”

Twilight: she ripped her gauntlet back and did a back flip away from Silven. She raised her gauntlet free hand into the air and she glowed a yellowish color. She was muttering something under her breath. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Kai! Hang and Linger on Time!” she quickly opened her eyes and time slowed down to where he was the same speed as a snail. “you’re as good as mine!” she ran up to him and started slashing him again her gauntlet engulfed in fire “Take this!” she punched him in the face with the burning metal sending him back into the back door. The door and the wall slowly crumbled down in dust. As time returned to normal she ran up to him and lifted him up from the ground and slammed him against the wall hard and held him there. “still think I can’t kick your ass!?” she furrowed her brows as she punched him again.

Okami: he ran up behind Twilight and kicked her heels dropping her to the floor.

Twilight: she got up using her wings and punched Okami away from her but Silven got free. “Damn!” she flipped back again and flew towards Silven. (thought: come one faster faster!) she started gaining momentum. She rammed into Silven slamming him into the wall again.

Okami: he started running up to Her again.

Twilight: “I don’t think so!” she spun herself on her wrists kicking Okami into the wall. She used her wings to help her up and she landed on her feet.

Silven: he stood up and was breathing heavily he coughed. (thought: who the hell is she!? She can match my speed perfectly!)

Twilight: she disappeared and reappeared behind Silven “you still want to fight?”

Silven: he went wide eyed as he looked behind him then his eyes returned to normal and he smirked “I’m not done yet kid…” he grabbed her from behind and flung her over his head and into the wall.

Twilight: she used her wings as parachutes and flew at him she disappeared and reappeared once again gripping a hold of Silven and she flew up into the air and she kicked him down to the ground breaking the tile underneath him. She kicks him again and she lands on top of him sending even more tile though the air and him even further into the ground.

Okami: “Silven-senpai!” he jolted up.

Twilight she backflipped off him “Get lost!”

Okami: he clenched his fists and teeth. “I can’t WAIT to get rid of you and your stupid human world!” he picked Silven up as he was KO’d and disappeared. He reappeared at their base and he set Silven on the couch he changed back to his human form “Professor!? Are you alright!?”

Silven: he changed back but didn’t wake up.

Okami: “damn angels!”

[heaven again]

Dove: “twilight!” she walked up to twilight who was heavily breathing “you alright!? How the hell were you going so fast!?”

Twilight: “I dunno…but it was cool” she smiled closing her eyes taking a deep breath. “you know we’re going to hear about this later right?”

Dove: she chuckled “yeah…we are…lets go back… I don’t think training is going to be an option today…”

Twilight: “doesn’t look like it…we’ll work on training Kaen and Takeshi when Kaen’s leg heals…that way we don’t put him under stress and make it even worse…”

Dove: she nodded “you need some help?”

Twilight: she shook her head “nope…I got it…” she smiled and stood up straight.

Dove: “come on Takeshi…Kaen…we’re going back…”

Both: they nod and head back into the elevator.

Twilight: she smirked “I’m surprised you let me do that Momo-chan…”

Momoko: she had changed back “what’s that supposed to mean?”

Twilight: “it means you like to take credit…a lot..”

Momoko: “oh whatever…” she looked away.

Twilight: she changed back to Lenne.

Takeshi: he rolled his eyes “no fighting…”

Lenne: “who says we’re fighting?”

Takeshi: “I do now go report…”

Momoko: “who died and made you leader?”

Takeshi: “wow…Lenne’s right…you do take Cred a lot…”

Momoko: she popped a vein and glared at him. “shut up…”

Kaen: “both of you shut up…you’re giving me a headache…” he walked up next to Lenne “how do you deal with them?”

Lenne: she looked at him “well…I guess you get used to dealing with idiots after living with them…”

Kaen: “so they really are idiots…”

Lenne: “yeah…” she chuckled.

Kaen: “what?”

Lenne: “nothing…just…it was fun…that’s all”

Kaen: “what?”

Lenne: “taking out that Twilight angel…” she smiled as they walked out of the elevator and went into the mess hall.

Momoko: “well I’m going to sleep see ya...” she smiled and waved walking into her bunker.

Takeshi: “night…” he walked into his bunker as well.

Lenne: “you hungry?”

Kaen: “whatcha got?”

Lenne: “lots of things…” she smiled. “what do you like?”

Kaen: “Stir fry…”

Lenne: she pulls it out of the fridge and her fist gets engulfed in flames heating the plate. She sets it down in front of him “so…what’s your story?”

Kaen: “what’d you mean?” he looked at her as she handed him a fork.

Lenne: “you know…how you died…”

Kaen: “you tell me yours first…”

Lenne: “no I asked first…”

Kaen: he sighed “alright…”


Kaen: he looked to his mother. “are you going to cook Yuuku dinner?...Or are you going to mope because you’re last freak left you…”

His Mom: “shut up…you’re just a kid you don’t understand…” she glared at him as if she were going to kill him.

Kaen: he glared back at her. “right…I don’t understand anything…” he closed his eyes and sighed “fine…I’ll do it…just like any other day you lazy whore…” he walked into the kitchen.

[end flashback]

Kaen: “our mom was always depressed… and pretty much every other day she came home with another man…she never did anything for her…”

Lenne: “for who?”

Kaen: “my little sister…Yuuku…she was always happy no matter what…and I took care of her since my mother couldn’t obviously…”

Lenne: “what happened?”

Kaen: “well…”


Yuuku: “nii-san! Can I go to my friends house today!?” she smiled at Kaen.

Kaen: he nodded chopping up vegetables. “yeah…go ahead…”

Yuuku: “sweet! You’rethe best nii-san!”

Kaen: he smirked “of course…”

Yuuku: she ran out the door

Kaen: he stopped what he was doing after the door slammed and walked out into the living room “I’m taking Yuuku to her friends… try not to kill anything alright?” he walked out the front door and slammed the door.

Yuuku: she was already in the road.

Kaen: “yuuku get over here!” he walked down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets he heard the sound of tires screeching as he reached the road. He looked and quickly ran into the street and threw Yuuku out of the way but wasn’t quick enough to get out himself.

Yuuku: “N-n-nii-san?” she went wide eyed as the car drove off without stopping. She ran up to her brother. “Nii-san!”

[end flashback]

Lenne: she half closed her eyes and looked away “I’m sorry…”

Kaen: “why are you sorry? You can’t do anything about it…” he looked at her.

Lenne: “well…I’m going to sleep your bed stuff has been set up in your bunker already it’s the one with the emo symbol on it alright?” she stood up and walked out.