Anyone care to see pictures of me in the Lolita photoshoot at Youmacon 2010?

Because of the disaster with my Cheza costume I was forced to go to the Youmacon without cosplay. Luckily I wore Lolita fashion and was able to catch the Lolita photoshoot! Can you guess who I am?

I'll give you a hint, I'm the cute one! I'm just kidding, all these girls were cute! See the girl in the purple skirt with a straw purse and bonnet? Thats me! The two girls on the left are wearing matching Bodyline carousel jumperskirts! I am in love with carousel horses, so I might purchase one of those jsk's myself!
Here are pictures of silly sweet lolis, and another shot of us together.
The theme of this series of pictures was "sweet lolita" but I didn't know what to do since I was in country loli. "Country counts too!" they told me so I joined in these shots! It may sound strange since most girls claim either to be sweet or gothic lolita, I am definitely more of a country or old-school sweet lolita.
Here's a picture of most of the lolita group including the goth loli's.
I am in the middle with the tray of little cakes. They actually belonged to the girl in the green dress but she had me hold them through the shoot. It was annoying to hold the tray but it looked cute in some of the photos! You can see my petticoats! Oh no!
Now only the gothic lolita's were the theme here. Sadly, alot of these girls weren't very good at lolita, but it was only a convention and as long as they had fun, who cares?!
Here is an individual shot of me with my glasses, badges, and con guide in my purse. Outfit rundown:
Skirt- Angelic Pretty
Blouse- Metamorphose
Bonnet- Modified thrift store find
Wrist cuffs- handmade by me
Shoes- Bodyline
Disclaimer: I did not take these photos and they do not belong to me. Check out the Gallery of Cute and Pretty things to find more pictures! BTW, my sister cosplayed Zero-suit Samus from Metroid! I made most of the costume (Not the bodysuit itself, I painted it but the lines aren't prominent enough. I need to fix that.)
Hope you are all pleased with my undeniable beauty! JK!
