Concert :D

JUST had a concert and it went GREAT!!! :D I'm so happy!!

technically I should be in bed right now ahaha

So yeah :D I played my flute in the normal band for my grade then also in Stage band which is a mix of the two grades in my school, I'm in the younger grade >.>

But it was so much FUN

Kyan bought me a cupcake ;w; THANKYOU KYAN, I liked teh cupcak!!! :D It looked like the Japanese flag!

Concert songs
normal band:
Star Spangled Banner
Stone Wood
Kiluea (Volcano's Fury)
Wild Fire
Washington Post March

I never have to play the march again!! KYAH it makes me happy XD

Stage Band:
Phantom of the Opera Medley- Phantom of the Opera, Music of the Night (and another..?)
Hymn to the Fallen from the movie Saving Private Ryan
John Williams Medley- Star Wars theme, Duel of the Fates, Jurassic Park main theme, E.T. main theme

and I was all hyped up on cupcake, concert and frozen lemonade that is made by a company specific to my state which I shall not name but I'm tired now so I shall go to bed :D goodnight all~ ehehehe
