Hello there, I'm Cat and I honestly don't know what I should do with this

You say pink
I say black
You say Joe Jonas
I say Bill Kaulitz
You say Holister
I say Hot Topic
You say Hip-Hop,
I say Pop/Rock.
You say high heels
I say high tops
You say I'm Punk
I say It's better than being a prep
You say I'm weird
if u agree put this on your world

Reach me at:
[email protected]
[x] [x]

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Right now, this is me:

*takes sip of tea and scrolls down on tumblr*

*reads next post*
*looks at gifs*

PFFFFFFFFF!!!!!! *nearly spits tea onto computer* WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

*few seconds later, scrolls again*
*takes sip of tea
*reads post*
*looks at gif*

...I don't- :O *spits tea back into cup* XD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I just... ;-; this tumblr... I can't handle the funny
*takes another sip of tea and goes back to tumblr tab*
8T *chokes on tea* ahahaha*coughcoughcough*aahahaha*cough*ahahah*cough*ahahaha!!

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This is soooo us...
...need I say more?

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and this. This is EFFING ADORABLE!!!!

and and then, this is me! Except instead of facebook thing it's my backroom >.>;

Trying to be serious with Best friends
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It's too true XD

this tumblr it's so funny!! XD I love it!

Sollux day2

;n; sort-of sounded like Sollux today, at least I did in my head...did I sound like Sol Kyan?

I HAS A SKETCH OF SOU!!! what now~~ omg he's adorable *w*
so is Xiteko.....uwah~~~

Something else funny that happened today hm......
It's pouring outside right now?
OH!! Aleara sat on my stomach when I was lying on my bed earlier XD she's just like "yep. I'm gonna sit on you because you're warm." and she isn't that heavy but she felt like it XD it kind of hurt



Sollux day

So apparently I sounded like a teenage boy to Kyan today =.=

I said I sounded like Sollux. So it was my Sollux day :D (only last period actually)

20 ii had my fiir2t 2ollux day...hopefully la2t a2 well, ii dont liike 2oundiing liike a teenage boy troll ;n;

Yeap :D omnomnom having American Chop Suey for dinner! :D

*cough* meh

....had something else to say....I know I did...