Hello there, I'm Cat and I honestly don't know what I should do with this

You say pink
I say black
You say Joe Jonas
I say Bill Kaulitz
You say Holister
I say Hot Topic
You say Hip-Hop,
I say Pop/Rock.
You say high heels
I say high tops
You say I'm Punk
I say It's better than being a prep
You say I'm weird
if u agree put this on your world

Reach me at:
[email protected]
[x] [x]

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Guys guys guys

and girls, but you know what I mean

Got an idea- TheOtaku University.
I hope it's not already an idea of someone else's ;-;

Got it from "Tumblr University" on Tumblr obviously, and now have a bunch of pictures for it which I shall upload~ >w<
Hopefully I'll be able to make an RP of theO.U...if anyone would join...? :3

Anywho, here's a picture of laptops~

From Gem~

Comment and I'll do these for you~
I. Tell you something I learned about you by looking at your profile page
II. Tell you a color you remind me of
III. Tell you to which element I think you belong (earth, wind, water, fire)
IV. Tell you what comic, manga / anime, or videogame character you remind me
V. Ask you a question and you must answer
VI. Tell you something I like about you
VII. Give you a nickname
VIII. Tell you the object that is to the left of me
IX. Tell you what food, flavor, or smell you remind me of
X. Tell you to put this in your world too

Answer to your question: Yes I'm super excited for the Hobbit!!!! >w<


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ahdslkfsj Legolas HAS A MOHAWK D:
And Merry's hair is all like...spiked up...and he has wine or something....
And they look classy


Just looked down at my phone because the screen lit up....it turned off...I guess it's time to charge it >.>;; oh well

School until the twentieth!! 13 daaaays!!!!! Finally! XD

Yesterday Kyan and Kaly and I went to see Men in Black 3! It was really good! Definitely reccomended, funny and action-y and a little bit sad.
<3 Griffin >w<
"Oh I can't bear to watch this part :)" he's so cute!!!

....ah....aha...ahahaha! This picture!! Just found:
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It's one of the guys from SBaHJ!!! XD ehehe

Ok, so just now my bro comes home from seeing Snow White and the Huntsman
Bro: good movie, you might think it's scary though
Me: oh?
Bro: mm, things like jumps out at you and it's kind of creepy
Me: *raises eyebrows*
Bro: and there's a lot of death
Me: pfff, I've watched Lord of the Rings
Bro: yeah...

(shh, he hasn't seen LotR yet& he's in high school <.< >.>)

Hehe :D

On the topic of Lord of the Rings, my mom got the Two Towers movie for me ;w; I'm so happy!! It's a VHS copy XD we watched it last night, starting around 10, ending around 1am or so, and somehow my mom fell asleep during the whole battle of Helm's Deep.......even when the Urukai gave his big warcall....she was still asleep...I don't understand ._.

Then afterwords I had a funny moment...I was upstairs and there were no lights on and Aleara came up the stairs and started purring with her mouth open and I mini-spazzed because she sounded like Gollum



Well my poetry stuff is all handed in and everything and I'm reeaally happy to get that off my back D: gog, last night I stayed up till 11:30(this is not normal for me) illustrating my 21 pages for it ;n; by the time I went to bed the first two fingers on both hands hurt so much from rubbing all the oil pastels and having wood against them for 8 hours or so....but it's over and done now :D

Talked about PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) in Social Studies today...some stories about people with that are very sad :(

Drew Aise earlier.........will upload sometime with those other drawings...when my camera gets new batteries...

Also, when I get my poetry magazine back I'll upload pictures of some of the pages. It turned out really good! :D

And Kyan: According to Mrs.F, everyone who handed the poetry mags in early is awesome :P hehe :D

I have Mambo No. 5 stuck in my head!!! It's so up beat and happy! XD And I can play it on my flute XD hehe :D :D :D
