Hello there, I'm Cat and I honestly don't know what I should do with this

You say pink
I say black
You say Joe Jonas
I say Bill Kaulitz
You say Holister
I say Hot Topic
You say Hip-Hop,
I say Pop/Rock.
You say high heels
I say high tops
You say I'm Punk
I say It's better than being a prep
You say I'm weird
if u agree put this on your world

Reach me at:
[email protected]
[x] [x]

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Try this

At home! :D
Watch the video until 0:41, doing what Alex says, then if you want post what you see in the comments! :D

I got a dessert of redish-yellow sand and some snow-caped mountains really far away, a cube made of wood, sort of rough with bark on it and little twigs with round leaves here and there on it, then a metal ladder propped up against the cube, the horse was just kind of there...not doing anything, it was black, the storm was hanging over the mountains making them look all dark, and the flowers were really small since it was a desert, and pale blue-purple in color...there weren't very many either...

So I see myself as wood....or like a tree....well I guess determined and independent? Hm...
My friends are metal, so they're resilient and strong..and propped up against me, like what Alex's friend had...
My relationships/love isn't doing anything, that's accurate XD
Trouble is really far away, that's good
Flowers are children??? Few, small, and spread apart...feeling like it's more what I make rather than actual humans because I don't like small children...

That was cool!!

Thumb and Sufferer

My right thumb with it's bandaid, the outline is where the skin peeled off:

And the ultimate shoosh-slap
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Had to, it's funny XD

Field trip!!

Went on a field trip today!!! It was SO much fun! XD

My team for school went together and we were split into three groups, our little group of friends were all together in a group! Jared, Cub, Kyan, other friend, and me :3

So first we went kayaking for awhile and I got a really bad paddle-burn(or whatever it's called >.>) on my right thumb, a big piece of skin peeled off from rubbing against the paddle for a half hour or so, it's on the part of my thumb close to my hand and hurts like hell ;n; and it's not even bleeding!! When we all got out of the water I got a bandaid from my science teacher to see if it would help by keeping the air off the raw skin...she and my old computers teacher were trying to put that alcohol stuff on it...I don't do that stuff, hurts too much, water works just as well....so I just got the bandaid. Later realized I had it on my left thumb too, but that one was like a bubble of loose skin, still attached but loose....it's hard to describe...That one started hurting when I got home, now I have bandaids on both thumbs.../sigh/

After kayaking we went on a hike around the pond we had been in, which was fun and made me want to make a movie!! It was very Lord of the Rings-y in the woods :3

Then we had lunch, which was really fun~

Lastly we looked for stuff in the water, seeing what we could catch. Jared and I caught a couple little baby fish, Kyan and I named the largest one BF, Big Fish, Best Friend, and the smallest one SF, small fish :3 the rest we didn't get a chance to name...And we saw a snake!! It was a Garden Snake and it swam across the small river :3 so cute!!!

After I got home my mom and I went shopping and now I have a bunch more pants! Hehehe

Good mood by this song, it's making me all happy! :D

Hope everyone else had fun days too!!


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I've been wanting to know what an Enderman looked like...hehe

Also, adorableness:
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Fire from a burning house being sucked up by a tornado... and the fireman's just standing there like "Will you look at that :T"
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just....wow....its so cool....