Welcome to my world of memories and temptations.

This is where I'll be posting pictures of me, memories that I want to remember, and things that I really want but probably can't have. Epic things. Artistic things. People wearing awesome clothes. Or...less clothes than they should be? Haha. Just kidding. Maybe. Actually, if you're familiar with Tumblr...this world is going to be like that. And if you want to find me on Tumblr, I'm perplexedhedgehog and if you send me your URL in a comment or PM I'll look for you there.

I want to include others in this, so if you like awesome clothes/have any epic pictures you love, ask me about becoming a guest poster in this world.


I found a thing.

Ciel art

Another epic Tumblr finding.

nostalgia collage

Found something really lovely on Tumblr for anyone in the HP fandom


When you tag-search "foodporn" on Tumblr...

More cool images

I just really liked this one.