What the Fuck is wrong with me?

I've been crying a lot lately, But nothings wrong.
And I've been really happy, too. Nothings good either.
I've noticed that the tiniest things set me off, anything throws me into fits of anger and sadness.
Like today, I Was hoping to go out to finish shopping for my Halloween Costume, and I Was talking to my mom about it. She said we couldnt go yet. So I Went back to my brother who was yelling at me because I Left my radio on and my door open (He broke his door a few years ago, he doesnt have on anymore) so I just went back down and talked to my mom some more. Something (I tend to block the core Of the problem out) Made me a bit upset so I Put my head to my knees. And My Mom Said "Awww, theres the little becca I know." And that Made me throw something at her, then I Was crying in my room and somehow put a hole in my wall.
That really shouldn't have made me that mad.
I need to know whats wrong with me, Does anybody have any ideas or advice to help me get through these horrible mood swings?
