Gawd this week....

I just do not know.
Life has been Crrzy.
On Saturday? Sunday... Yeah Sunday My sister car got stolen while we were at the beach. I had my fave bag, my fave necklace, 57 bux, A T-Shirt from New Found land and The best CDs I Own
All Stolen.
Then the next day all was alright, until that night me and my mom got into a fight. I Got so torn apart by her and my dickhead brother that... I Dont even know.
But, you see, I Was in my room crying, and my brother comes in and says "shut up, Nobody cares that your upset, just be fucking quite!"
Then Tuesdaaaaaaay I Went shopping to replace everything. I Got a Stellar Rainbow Dickies bag, A Necklace with two wings on it and a safety pin/chain necklace, an awesome wallet, and 45 bucks.
yesterday I Got the Whole "Rip Rip your smooth" thing happening. Jessica came with. then we went to school to get me locker. My combo is... Uhhhhhhhhhh.................................................................
I Know this! ugh. I know the number 45 or 44 is in it then somewhere theres a 20 and yeah
Oh, yeah, and we found out they found the car, we just haven't gotten it back.
