Daily Oddities

So it turns out that making an omelette is a lot less straightforward than I thought it was. Mine is a little brown—and tastes a little brown—and I probably should have added some oregano.

Oh well. Live and learn.

I also had a really wacked-out dream this morning. There were three main segments to it, as far as I can remember. The first bit was set in sort of the 1940s (judging by the vehicles that showed up) and bordered on the paranormal most of the time. I was a spectator for most of it, but it revolved around people who 'had wishes' and could sort of bend time with them by 'wishing' it backwards and tweaking it slightly, although they seemed to be unable to reuse a 'wish' within the bent period of time. I think they also had a limited number of them, and there was something else slightly supernatural going on right before the segue, there.

That segment ended sort of like a TV episode outtro (sans the crappy touchy-feely pop music background FFFFFFFF) with a string of scenes for me to watch, almost like a home movie, which were identical to scenes I'd been in earlier except for slightly varied details. Then the last detail became its own thing and I got swept into that.

And after a little rigamarole about various and oddly-shaped water reservoirs that people alternately were and were not diving into (I was slightly confused myself, but it apparently was part of the Wish's tweak), I discovered—yes, me personally, as I was now a direct participant in the dreamscape—that this temporal manipulation inadvertently created little marsupial-like critters, sort of like bushbabies with much shorter tails, which were embodiments of the reversal of matter.

Not anti-matter, apparently, since I was able to touch one for a prolonged period of time without instantly imploding (which is always nice, you know), but more like counter-matter. And I'm sort of fine with that. I mean, in logic, inverse and reverse are two totally different things, so I suppose there can both be an inverse and reverse of orange juice, or something like that. =P

Anyhow. So that went on for a while.

Then there was a slightly muddling segment during which I may or may not have woken up still half-asleep and immediately burrowed back into my pillow, and then I was on the set of a very irritating infomercial. It was selling—well. They were selling a variety of outdoorsy equipment useful in camping and rock-climbing and whatnot, and it struck me as rather funny when I woke up because in the dream I was seriously trying to argue with them about the validity of their 'environmentally-friendly' claims and failing spectacularly because the main spokesman would literally sales-pitch over me and I could not get him to shut up for a minute.

And I was just about to give up and sit there listening resignedly in a very unfriendly frame of mind when one of the guys tried to demonstrate a certain feature of something or other in a very stupid way. I can't currently remember what the feature or the something or other was, but it involved a small cat wedged behind a stretch of thick airtight cellophane.

I was very unhappy.

I also have not roared at people in that manner in a very long time. I remember one section where I was informing the lead whoever-he-was person of the revised list of what he would and would not do (whilst holding the rescued cat in one arm, of course), and at the end I said "Is that clear." and he tried to say something and I gritted my teeth and said "Is. That. Clear." and he affirmed but looked away and I got furious again and screamed "IS. THAT–" and some other dude stepped between us and said "–clear, yes, we get the–" and I roared and grabbed his throat and crushed my knee into his groin.

And that's really the last tangible thing I remember.

I'm still kinda tired after that.
