Today's Events

I overslept.

I tried to work on a scholarship essay for the third day in a row. I know what I want to say, but the words elude me. *shakes fist*

I spent an hour and a half writing someone a message only to have Facebook in its infinite wisdom declare "something went wrong" and erase the entire message. *shakes fist*

In the ensuing frustration I went outside and attacked with a steak knife the faux-kudzu vine which is strangling the life from my mother's tomato plants. And I hate tomatoes. I have freed a quarter of the bed, and in the process I found one vine root. Huzzah! Take that, foul vegetation!

Tonight I shall explore Tallon IV further now that I have regained possession of the Wave Beam, Spider Ball, Thermal Visor, and Super Missile. =)
