Religion: Bread and Fish and Chips

Spawned from typical chat Stream of Consciousness beginning with me making a joke about me taking the "we should strive to be more Christlike" a bit too literally (as in, I'm starting to look like Buddy Christ), then finding out that there's apparently an actual movie titled Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (Mary Magnum, seriously? XD ), we now have the newest thing since the nonfat Eucharist Wafer (I Can't Believe It's Not Jesus): Eucharist Chips!

Flavors include Original God, Holy Spirit Sour Cream and Onion, and Cheddar Cheesy Jesus. Also up for consideration are Apostle John Barbecue and Dead Sea Salt and Vinegar.

More suggestions are welcome; just drop them in the Sacrilegious box that I check every other day.
