All Boys & Girls NEED to read this!!!

Fact: More boys will read this then girls, but girls will understand this way more.

Girls like it when you KISS them in front of your friends.
Girls want you to say I LOVE YOU every chance you get.
Call your girlfriend Beautiful or Pretty in stead of Hot or Sexy.
Girls love it when you tickle them.
Roses and Chocolates are the best gift for a girl.

Guys like it when you wear their jackets.
Guys think it’s Cute when you make a mistake.
They love to watch you eat.
Guys don’t want you to be serious all the time.
Boys want you to hold their hand.
Now make a wish about someone special.


Your wish will come true if only you post this with the title ‘All boys and girls NEED to read this!!’, If you don’t you will find out very bad news tonight. Have fun!!!!
