New Profile For Ray and Rain!

Sorry it took me so long to post it!

Name: Rayko Kotoro
Nickname(s): Ray
Species: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Looks: She's around five feet five inches with ivory skin and freckles.
Eyes: Light brown
Hair: Blond with red streaks. It's usually up in a high pony tail
Clothes: A long dark brown shirt with black pants and leather writs straps.
Personality: Ray is kind of shy, but gets a long very good with people. She fights for what she thinks is right and can be pretty stubborn about it.
Description: Skinny, blond hair with streaks, sword on her left side, shyish and stubborn, and light brown eyes.
Position: Farm helper
Mate: None
Likes: She likes flying, but her dragon can't fly very well and prefers to swim. She likes cooking and the winter seasons.
Dislikes: Small places, pointless fighting, and killing.
Past: Ray lives with her step father, who isn't really bad to her, but isn't really nice either. He likes that she helps, but thinks of her nothing more than an employee who stays at his house and gets paid with food. She's lived with him since her mother passed and her biological father turned out to be a Empire spy and was killed.
Fights with: Sword
Varden or Empire?: Varden
House: N/A
Animal characteristics? N/A
Fun facts?: She finds elves REALLY interesting cause she's never seen one before and will probably have a million questions to ask if she gets time to talk to one~

Dragon profile:

Name: Rain
Nickname(s): Rainy?
Color: Rain has a mix of blue, green, and brown scales. His scales also have small flecks of yellow, aqua, and dark blue in them.
Gender: Male
Personality: Pretty childish and likes to play small and silly games with his rider or other dragons. Even though his body grows fast, his mind is still like a baby dragon. Rain is some what shy around others until he gets to know them better and can trust them and is very protective of his rider.
Description: Silly, blue scales, a baby at heart, protective, and loyal.
Mate: None
Egg looks: His egg was blue and green with a light blue (almost white) kind of smoky pattern around it.
Favorite food: He pretty much eats what ever, but likes apples (one of the first foods Ray tried to feed him.) and sea food (Crabs are his favorite sea food.)
Where Found: Down by the beach in between some rocks. It blended in really well so no one else saw it.
Likes: Rain actually likes flying, but doesn't fly very much since he really can't land all that well yet. He likes to lay out in the sun when he's being lazy. Enjoys playing games and being with his rider.
Dislikes: Fire, he really hates using fire and will only use it when there's nothing left to use. He hates it so much cause it hurts his throat. And he doesn't like landing and will usually try to land in the water so it'll hurt a little less if he just crashes.
Fun facts?: If Rain wants your attention, he'll steal something of yours and make your chase after him.
