Meeting Elva and Azof

"He's at the palace like usual!" he coughed. My grip tightened and he fell to the floor. I let go and started walking. I need to find someone to help me, I don't know where the Varden is.

"I can help." the sinister voice in my head smirked. I choose to ignore it. I ran for days with no direction. I sighed thinking I might as well give in to her but then I sensed a familiar presence, elf. Maybe they know where the Varden is! I ran over to them. I stopped when I was right in front of them.

"Where are you going?" I growled at the two presences.

"O-onyx!" One of them said in surprize. I recognized it. That must be Azof he works for my brother but I didn't recognize the other one. Azof was probably planning on helping the rebellion against my brother. Good, this may lead to my advantage.

"Azof, where are you going and who is your companion?" I asked him sternly.

