Enter Onyx

I felt who was around me. Two guards on each side of me, one behind, one ahead, three in the trees. Today would be the day I broke out of this prison. I was about to move into action when I heard a familiar voice in my head.

"Can I help?" she chuckled.

"No!: I growled. "I can get through this with my own strength." I sensed where every one was again. We got onto a small bridge, now was my chance. I kicked the guards on my side and the fell into the river with a large splash. The ones in front and behind attacked me, I jumped and the killed each other. I started running away at an unbelievable speed for a human, perhaps even equal to an elf's. I started to try and sense my scenery I was around where someone made camp. I felt a familiar presence...One of my brothers guards! I growled a bit. I located his presence and I was before him in seconds, my hands clenched around his throught in a death lock. True aim.

"O-o-onyx!" He coughed between cut of breaths, he seemed surprised. I noticed another presence but it was a less familiar one so I ignored it.

"Where is my brother?!?!" I growled at him.


Sorry it's so short^^'
