Down Time

Because Ari had healed him, Faye was able to walk, which he found quite interesting considering how deep the arrow had gone. I wished I would be able to do things like that, then I could really be of some help.

But, alas, I was no elf. Ruby and Reath raced each other into the cave as the rest of us followed close behind. I slid down to the floor and stroked Ruby. Faye sat next to me and Ari stood at the mouth of the cave in the shadows keeping watch.

I sighed. There was no way Ruby and I were going to be able to stay cooped up in this cave for weeks. I wanted to groan. I hated being confined, it was one of the many emotional scars my master had left on me.

We all just sat in silence, none of us sure what to say after what had just happened. Faye and I were content with playing with our dragons.
