loose leaf~not rhym-y

With heart hammering like crazy, I run
Adrenaline pumping through my veins, my system, under tha light of tha moon~
I keep goin and going until i feel a stitch in my side
Reach my point of exhaustion want to collapse but my will power is strong
Keep going so that tomorrow everything hurts. Stay and do everything normally
But tha tiniest thing is labored to tha extreme~
Wait and stretch until tha soreness is gone.

My strength is my beauty~
Knowing that I can pick up and left what those weaklings could not.
Legs so tight with power, I feel as if I could fly~
Running, with tha wind seeming to push against me
Lungs that could rival a mermaid's~
Cartwheels, back-flips, kick stands, I am infatiated with my body.

I dont need your definition of Beauty. I have my own.
But even by your standards, I am 'okay'
I'd give it anything to be able to find some one stronger, faster,
so that I'd be able to see my limits, and keep adding

To be strong is to be beautiful
