Stolen from Kira~

1) Name: Danielle

2) Name Backwards: Elleinad

3) Were you named after anyone?: I don't know. My grandmother named me. (dad's mother)

4) Does your name mean anything?: I have no idea o-o

5) Nick Name(s): Kee, Krispy Kreeme(Koba), Kree(Koba again), Dani, Dan, Keekee

6) Screen Name(s): Sakkee(here), SakkeeFrost(gmail & hotmail) Sakkee Frost(FanFic)Danielle V.(FB) Sakkee(dA)SoraKairi612(aim) and probably more but I am typing them XD

7) Date of Birth: June 12, 1991

8) Place of Birth: South Philly, PA

10) Current Location: NorthEast Philadelphia, PA

11) Sign: Gemini

12) Religion: Catholic/Christian

13) Height: 5'4

14) Weight: 129....I think o-o

15) Shoe Size: 7 1/2 or 8

16) Hair color: Black (dyed) my natural is dark brown

17) Eye color: hazel

18) What you look like: a girl?

19) Innie or Outie: um...Innie?

20) Righty, Lefty, Both: righty

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: straight....wait, there's an other? wth is it? XD

22) Best friend(s):Omgsh, I have so many |D...let's see; Kira, Savi, Koba, mummy(Vix) daddy(Drake)Will, Angel, Nick(SirAngelo) mum(Omnia)and so much more |D

23) Best friend you trust the most: no flipping idea |D

24) Best friends {your sex}: Kira, Vix, Angel, Omnia and others (you know who you are)

25) Best friends of the opposite sex: Koba, Savitar, Drake, Will(willotaku)and others
(again, you know who you are)

28) Crush: ....>.>

29) Parent(s): Drake Vix and Omnia!...oh wait I mean my real mom and dad? :D

30) Worst Enemy: anyone who lies and hurts me or my friends and family

31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): Koba, Savi, Nick and will

32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): Kira! :D

33) Funniest friend: Koba and Savi

34) Craziest friend: so Koba

35) Advice Friend:It would have to be my onii-chan, Savi :D

37) Person you cry with: no one...I cry alone

38) Any sisters: none blood-related. my online is Kira who I call my twiny~

39) Any brothers: I had two but one passed away :,( (he was the oldest) my online are Koba, Savi and Will

40) Any pets: 1 cat

41) A Disease: no thank goodness

42) A Pager: nope

43) A Personal phone line: nope

44) A Cell phone: mhy boyfriend's :D

45) A Lava lamp: I wish

46) A Pool or hot tub: if only

47) A Car: again, my boyfriend's :D

Describe Your...

48) Personality: too nice for my own good sometimes, can be moody(depends on the day) clumsy, paranoid and other stuff.

49) Driving: idk but the boyfriend will be teaching me :D

50) Car or one you want: subaru(again, boyfriend's)

51) Room: uh, kinda small but eh, not too bad

52) Mmh: mmh? O.o

53) School: Graduated 2010

54) Bed: twin (but we will get a bigger one)

55) Relationship with your parent(s):depends on the day :/

56) Believe in yourself: not really >.>

57) Believe in love at first sight?: Idk, I guess

58) Consider yourself a good listener: hmm..what did you say?

Also 59 is missing. eh??! O_O

60) Get Along with your parents: sometimes

61) Save your e-mail conversations: only if they're either too funny or important

62) Pray: yep, everyday :)

63) Believe in reincarnation: yes, I do actually

64) Like to make fun of people: I make fun of those who do stupid stunts or make the wrong choices in games

65) Like to talk on the phone?: not really

66) Like to eat: Om nomnomnom!

67) Like to drive: don't know how |D

68) Get motion sickness: Sometimes...

69) Eat the stems of broccoli: yes :D

70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: um, no, then they wouldn't be called chicken FINGERS

71) Dream in color: yeah

72) Type with your fingers on home row: wtf is home row???

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: with the Kaname twiny got me :D

74) Right next to you: my boyfriend's phone, my boyfriend's cat and my boyfriend

75) On the walls of your room: my boyfriend's space wallpaper and planets (which I find pretty cool :D)

76) On your mouse pad: an Alien's head :D

77) Your dream car: don't got one |D

78) Your dream date: walk on the beach, watching the sunrise

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: don't know yet XD

80) Your dream wife/husband: he's sitting next to me ;D

81) Your bedtime: don't have one

83) The single most important Lesson: what Kira said |D and look for the RIGHT guy not A guy

84) Your bad time of the day: definitely mornings ><

86) The weather like: we're talking about Philly here, never really know what the weather's like...unless you ask my boyfriend's dad |D

87) The time: 1:25 am

88) The date: March 30 2012

89) The best trick you ever played on someone: last night when I banged my head on the wall and pretended to be knocked out then scared the shit out of my boyfriend when I yelled XD

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: toast with butter and jelly topped with a sunny-side up egg and ketchup...what, I find it delicious :D nomnomnom

91) Theme Song: Strong Enough by Matthew West

92) The hardest thing about growing up: parents, brother, depression and losing loved ones

93) Your funniest experience: The day Al's Teddy jumped out the car window on the turnpike! XD

94) Your scariest moment: when my brother and his gf got hit by a car (they're ok thank god)

95) The silliest thing you've ever said: can't think of any

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex: hm...nothing...I think >.>

97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): hm...I almost got hit by a car once til one of them pulled me back ><

99) The best feeling in the world: knowing I'm loved by all my friends, theO family and my boyfriend ^^

100) 5 people you tag: Savi, Will, Angel, Omnia and VixVix
