
Here I will tell you about myself. What I like and dislike and other things.

Name: Danielle

Height: 5'4 (yes I'm short)

Gender:Female of course.



Dream:To sing on stage without fear. And to become a writer!!


Chinese Zodiac: Sheep. (I was hoping tiger!)

Celestial Zodiac: Gemini

Nationality: Irish, Italian, Puerto Rican

State: Pennsylvania

Relationship: Engaged to Shiro Aoi

Fan of: Kingdom Hearts, Harry Potter, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, and Blood+

Interests:Video games, computers, music, writing FanFictions, and reading. And Ramen!

Music:Dance, Pop, Techno, World.

Books:Harry Potter, Daughters of the Moon, Charmed, and Anime Mangas.

Movies: Harry Potter (all of them), A Walk To Remember, A Cinderella story, Twilight, Beauty and the Beast, The little Mermaid, Aladdin, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Bambi, Van Helsing, Pirates of the Carribean (all of them), I know what you did last summer, Chronicals of Narnia (both), The Black Cauldron, Treasure Planet, The Inuyasha Movies (all of them), Naruto the first movie, All Pokemon movies, Oh! My Goddess. The first Movie, Howl's moving Castle, Spirited away, Princess Monoako, and Castle in the Sky.

Television:Charmed, CSI, Without a Trace, Vampire Knight, Inuyasha, Code Geass, Bleach, Death Note, Trinity Blood, Blood, D.N.Angel, Gundam Seed Destiny, Venus VS. Virus, Innocent Venus, Fushigi Yugi, Yugi-Oh, Digimon, Pokemon, Aquarion, Escaflowne, Tsubasa Chronicles, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I also write stories on Fanfiction.net. here's the link: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1494068/Sakkee

Family: Butterflykiss(twiny), Baka Red(brother), willotaku(big brother), leaf angel(sis-in-law), omnia1(mum)Linds/Milo(aunt/uncle{XD})

~My Someone Just For Me~

Here's my attempt at poetry. I plan to make a wallpaper for this.

You are the one, my someone just for me.

You make me laugh when I am down,

And make me blush with sweet words.

You make my heart skip when you log on,

And make me smile when you call me your sweet angel.

You are the one, my someone just for me.


A day at Cross Academy
“Scram!” You hissed at the girly girls that were annoying you.
You hated those girly girls and their pink clothes and pink bags, and pink everything. They sickened you for you hated that sort of stuff.
“You don’t have to be so mean” Said Yuuki
You sighed “You know how much I hate those tarts”
“Yeah I know, look I’m going on patrol, so I will see you tomorrow” She smiled.
“Whatever” You replied.
You slowly walked in the trees just outside of the academy and hummed a slow tune. You kicked the frog that lied before you on a rock as you walked past and laughed at its croak it made as it flew in the air before jumping off into the water. You sighed and sat down on a big rock as you watched the trees blow in the wind.
“That wasn’t very nice” Said a light husky voice from the far side off you.
You turned your gaze to come upon Shiki and Cain, members off the night class.
You groaned “Move along pretty boys, I’m not one off your ranting fans if you’re looking for compliments”
They both chuckled “Why would you think we were looking for compliments?” Said Shiki as he appeared beside you and brushed his hand along your cheek.
You looked at him surprised “What are you doing?”
Then Cain walked beside you and put his finger under your chin and made you face him “You see we know what your like, a bit strange but I like that about you”
Shiki then turned you to face him “And were sick off blood tablets” He said as he smiled and showed his sharp canines as did Cain when you looked at him in shock.
“I knew it!” You beamed as you jumped up from the rock “I knew that you guys on the night class had to be something like vampires, I mean it’s so obvious yet those dumb girls could never figure it out”
Cain grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him causing your body to crash into his “We want some real…blood” He whispered in your ear.
“Uh…” You began
“Hush, don’t fight it, just relax and we will do the rest from here” Shiki hushed in your ear as he put his hands to your hips from behind you.
They both looked at each other and smiled before Cain kissed your lips quite roughly and Shiki removed your hair from your neck and began to lick and suck at your neck. You moaned as one off their hands made their way to your thigh and continued to rub your bare skin under your skirt. Encouraged by your moans they both began to get rougher, Shiki continued to crash his body against the back off yours while playing with your neck and Cain continued to kiss your soft lips; that kissed back. Shiki had then pierced your neck with his teeth, he began to suck your blood as he gently grasped your breast. You moaned and winced from the pleasure and pain you were feeling at the same time. Cain had then pierced your bottom lip and he began to suck your blood. You could hear them as they drank your blood and you were quite excited; you always were different in a strange way and being a vampire would be the best thing that ever happened to you for you never felt as if you fit in. Noises off pain escaped your mouth as they drank your blood with such thirst. Then Cain pulled away “Enough Shiki, we mustn’t kill her”
Shiki then stopped and caught you as before you fell to the ground, they had indulged so much that you couldn’t even stand.
“I know what she wants” Said Shiki “We must change her”
That night they turned you and you woke up in the moon dorm as a vampire. Kaname was mad but they made up a lie saying you were a new student for they had erased all the evidence that you ever existed.

What they think
Zero: “She’s a vampire, I despise her, she’s and animal like all off them”
Yuuki: “She looks awfully familiar, I think there’s a story behind this new girl”
Chairman: “She seems like a good student in the night class, she spices things up a bit”
Kaname: “She is quite similar to most off the girls here which is disappointing, but still a well behaved vampire”
Ichijou: “Good yet scary vampire”
Cain: “Not a big deal, but her blood seems to always tease me”
Shiki: “Beautiful young vampire, I feel quite protective off her, I changed her so she will be mine”
Aidou: “Boring, like all off them”
Altogether you are different. You don’t really fit in with people because they find you to weird, but some people find that sexy. You are entertained by strange things and tend to like inflicting pain.

Vampire Knight Life

Name:Talia Myaki
Boyfriend:Takuma Ichijo
Best Friend: Zero Kiryu
Past: After your parents died when in a car accident, you were sent to live with your Grandmother. Your lifes aspiration is to become a psychiatrist, but as your Grandmother is quite poor, you didn't think you would be able to afford the school fees. That was until the Headmaster of Cross Academy offered you a scholarship to his school. When you arrived, it wasn't long before you were good friends with Yuki, who introduced you to Zero. As you weren't remotely interested in the Night Class, you and Zero became close. Two years later, you were in your third year at Cross Academy and were 15 years old.You and Zero were best friends, and you were working harder than ever to get the grades you needed to keep your scholarship. Something changed. You began to have strange dreams that were horribly realistic, and you felt a strange pull to Night Class member takuma Ichijo. [For rest of story, read Claimed by Shadow, this is merely an intro for it XD]
X~ What do they think of you ~X
Kaname Kuran: Talia is a lovely girl, and Ichijo is very lucky to have been able to overcome the....obstacles that stood in his way. Ive never seen him happier.
Ichijo: *smile* Talia's amazing. I love her more than anything. Even after being together for so long, Im still finding out new things about. She's fascinating and Im glad she's so hotheaded or I doubt we'd be where we are now.
Shiki: We've not really met, but Ichijo never stops going on about her. She must be quite a girl.
Rima:I've heard of everything she had to go through, she must be really brave. Ichijo seems to really like her, so she must be really nice.
Aido:*grins* We're pretty close. Talia-chans such a laugh! I'm glad those two worked everything out or she'd be all mopey. And a mopey Talia's no fun!
Kain: Talia's a sweet girl, good to talk.
Ruka: *shrugs* Just another dayclass girl. Don't really see what the big fuss is about.
Yuki: Talia's one of my best friends! Im so happy for her and Ichijo-sempai!
Zero:Talia's like a sister to me, though I think she'd be better with a human, she could of picked a worse vampire I guess. I've never met anyone so stubborn, yet nice with it. She's in a league of her own.

7 minutes of Heaven~

The red ruby rested in your palms as your eyes were drawn to it. The color of red could be the color of love and passion, or the color of blood. A finger tapped your shoulder and snapped you out of your thoughts. You met the eyes of Senri Shiki, the youngest vampire in the night class. He walked into the closet with his hands shoved into his pockets. You followed and felt Rima's stare pierce your back. The door bolted behind you and you saw Senri lean against the wall with that same look on his face as always. He sighed, "Troublesome game..." He mumbled. You blinked in understanding. This game didn't usually interest you that much. You leaned against the wall in defeat, "Well, if you don't want to play, I could just cancel the game..." You didn't have time to finish because Senri's lips were on yours. It was just a quick peck because he pulled away quickly. His eyes were more passionate as his lips turned up into a perfect smile, "I think this game is troublesome," He said, his hand finding its way to your chin, "But I never said that I wouldn't enjoy having you." One of his hands were holding your chin and the other was pinning you against the wall. Closing his eyes, he leaned in slowly, and you felt his lips press into yours. The sensation was breathtaking, and the feeling of his lips on yours was too tempting to resist. You kissed back, and his soft hand went up and down your arm, stroking it gently and deepening the spell. His hand finally carressed its way up your neck and into your hair. You also felt the silky feeling of his red hair, but you still fell into submission. Senri then stroked your back, which reminded you of Rima's glare when you entered the closet. You pulled away and protest flashed in his eyes, but he stayed calm. "Senri, aren't you a model along with Rima? Isn't she the one you love?" You asked. Senri chuckled and held your cheek. "Rima is merely a friend, but she's too..." he searched for the right word, "troublesome." he finished. You saw passion flicker in his unreadable eyes, "Rima might love me, but I have another girl in my head." You sighed as he brushed his lips against your neck. You seemed thankful that he didn't like Rima more than you. Without you noticing, he slowly leaned down to your neck and let his tongue over, seeming desperate. As his fangs flashed before you, panic shot through you and he sped to the other side of the closet, sweating all over. Panting slightly, he groaned, "Urgh, almost went too far..." He looked back at you and smiled weakly, "I'm sorry, I probably can't resist..." A pang of sorrow shot through you as you saw him walk towards the door. He reached for the doorknob, but then appeared by your side again, his eyes full of regret. "____, I can't let you go. Will you forgive me?" You seemed surprised at this question, "I didn't even get mad at you in the first place..." You said, and he relaxed and carressed your hair. "Thank you, ____." he murmured in your ear, and brushed his lips against yours. You let your hands sway and it accidentally got cut by a sharp edge of a hanger. "Shoot..." You muttered, holding your finger and watching the blood ooze out. Senri took your hand and saw the blood. He grinned at you, "Here." He said, as he licked the blood from your wound. The wound closed up right after he licked it and was good as ever. You stared, astonished, at him. He smirked and, still holding your hand, brushed his lips over the palm of your hand, bringing tingles up your spine. Then, pulling you closer, Senri leaned down at your neck and kissed his way up seductively, making you sigh at the contact. His fangs grazed your neck as he nibbled on one part, and he quickly licked it and closed up the wound. Shiki claimed your lips again at the end, making sure that every part of your body had some attention. Suddenly, the closet door opened, and light flooded into the room. Senri held out his hand for you and you took it, stepping out of the closet as he led you to your seat and sat beside you. As the game went on, he edged closer and closer, and put his arm around your shoulder casually. When you glanced at him, he flashed a perfect smile and leaned closer to your ear. Barely audible, you heard him whisper, "I love you, ____."

For my Ex!

I dedicate this to my ex. who said "get pissed off, slit wrist and jump off a bridge! have a shitty life" 8D

Well guess what asshole, I won't have a shitty life YOU will . As for me I will have a GREAT life surrounded by my friends. my family and my new boyfriend who treats me way better than you EVER did!

This song is dedicated to him!