KoInu Kyan

Female-KoInu Kyan-2nd Kisame of Club (Due to the fact Itachi's possessive of his character sorry)
Name: Chiizu
Character: Kisame
Kanji: 'Kodomo' AKA 'child'
Age: Six
Village: A little snowy village in the Mist
Gender: Female
Former Team: Doesn't have one
Likes: Her cousin, milk, snow, and sunshine
Dislikes: Killing for fun
Hair Color: Brownish-black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Weapon: She doesn't have any
Distinct Description: Found in a Mist village that Itachi and Kisame were destroying. She told them not to destroy the bridge she was on, because it was 'her bridge', and that she was waiting for her cousin, Haku. Itachi, remembering Kisame telling him about Zabuza and his cute little companion Haku, who had a powerful bloodline ability, decided to take her back with them to the hideout, where he would train her to harness her bloodline limit, although, hidden from their knowlage, Chiizu does not have any bloodline ability whatsoever.
Chiizu is very similar to child-Sasuke, and makes Itachi feel uneasy.
