Swamp Country

After leaving Dee behind, I managed to make it to Swamp Country and get fixed up. After spending a couple of days with my friends, I decided it was time to head back home. Before I left, my friend Dustin gave me a speical deck of cards that would come in quite handy with my abilities. I slowly made my way back to the hideout. When I finally got back, I was greeted with a hug by Deena and a bill by Kakuzu. After getting settled back in, and paying Kakuzu, I went to bed. The next day I awoke to the sounds of beating on my door. I opened it to find Madara standing outside. After having my ear yelled off I went and got some breakfast. After eating I went and helped Pein with the laundry. It was back to the same boring schedule, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Oh p.s. I might have bleached a couple of people's clothing and dyed them back pink. *Cough Kakuzu and Hidan Cough Cough*
