My war Chee's POV

It was early Friday morning when Deena approched me, she was looking really tired and stressed, "hey Deena, you ok?" she slumps down onto the couch beside me while surpressing a yawn. "not really, everyone has been stressed and I've had to do alot of cleaning.....and well your not going to like this but......your clan has waged war against mine, and your clan has gone into hiding" I bang my fist down onto the coffee table, "Dee, I'm going with you on this.....I want to get even with my father and now is my chance" I say trying to surpress my anger, "sure but first I need you to tell Hidan sama and get him to tell Kakuzu, also we need to find out where they are hiding" I stand up clenching my fists "I can take care of both those tasks". Deena gets up and walks off towards her room while I walk off to find Hidan sama. I find hidan sama arguing with Kakuzu sama 'hmph this will be easy' I think to myself. "excuse me Hidan sama, I need to tell both you and Kakuzu Sama something very important" Hidan stares down at me 'i hate being short' and Kakuzu glares at me, obviously angry with me for for the interuption "what is it Chee?" Hidan asks calmly, "we have a mission from Madara sama, we have to help Deena....*I swallow down my fear* clan has waged war against Deena's clan" Hidan's face is blank and he is silent for a couple of minutes, he finally speaks to me, "when does she want us ready?" I look up at him "she wants us ready now, so you two had best get ready and meet us in the main room" both Hidan and Kakuzu turn around, and head for their rooms. I head off to mine and as I'm walking down the hall, I keep thinking of my father and how I would kill him, as my mind is elsewhere I bump into Tobi, "heya chee, you ok" I look up "ohh, hey Tobi didn't see you there, yeah i'm ok" Tobi looks down at me "Tobi wants to know if Chee has any chocolate for Tobi?" "sorry Tobi I don't have any" after that he sulks off. I continue down the hall until I reach my room and I open the door, walking in then shutting it behind me. I walk over to my bed and kneel down to get my chest out from under it, I pull it out with ease and open it, I look down into it and grab out my two katanas in their sheaths and I lay them on my bed, I then close my chest and slide it back under my bed. I get up and put my cloak on, doing it up all the way to my collarbone, I then put my swords over my shoulder and onto my back. I take one long last look of my room then head out to go meet the others, when I get there the others are all there and are ready to go, Saint looks up from where he is sitting " take long enough?" he says with a smirk, I glare at him and Deena stands up and starts walking to the door to head out, she yells over her shoulder "come on guys let's go" I jog to catch up to her with the others close behind me, "ok Chee, do you have an idea on where the clan might be?" she asks as we start walking, I think back to my childhood and remember Mark had once spoken of Kumogarkure as a place for our clan to hide in times of need, I quickly come back to the present and say to Deena "we need to go to Kumogarkure" she turns her head to the others, "right you heard her, we head to Kumogarkure" the others nod in response. We travel as fast as we can and arrive there that night, we set up camp just outside Kumogarkure. As we were eating dinner, some of the group were talking about how we would find the clan, I calmly set my bowl down then clear my throat, "I think it would be best if I go into Kumogarkure alone to find my clan" Saint stares at me with an open mouth " why should you go and the rest of us stay here?" he snaps at me, "because Chee has a fair idea where the clan is and she has good knowledge on Kumogarkure, also we don't want to draw attention to ourselves and if you have a problem with that you can answer to me Saint" Deena says to him, trying to stay calm. I get up and walk past Deena towards the gates of Kumogarkure, i turn my head and say to Deena "I'll report back here when I've found them" and so the search for my clan and my father begins.
