stupid inu

Inu snuck quietly into the hideout, hoping that no one would hear her. She looked back, and realised that she had left a trail of blood where she had walked. “Damn. I’ll have to clean that up,” she cursed to herself.

She had gone in search of the bastard who went by the name of Kabuto. Her plan had been to surprise him and hopefully injure him in some way. Her personal token of revenge. But he had surprised her, and sent his ‘pawns’ to do his dirty work for him. She’d been outnumbered, and was easily defeated like a pathetic weakling.

She looked down at her stomach, where she had been run through with a blade. The wound had reopened and had started to bleed once again. “Shit,” she attempted to stop the blood flow, but a few seconds later she began to feel woozy, and was having trouble standing up. She hit the ground with a thud as she fainted.
