What a day it was.

After the huge uproar had be caused in the hideout, things started to quieten down somewhat. I was being sent on a mission by Madara, but i decided i wouldn't go. Instead i thought this would be a good test too give to our new recruit who should be back in a few days or so. It was getting pretty late, Hidan and i had finished tidying the mass of mess. I felt bad for what i did earlier that day, so i should take some responsibility in the matter and help clean up the mess, which could have been prevented. "You know you didn't have to help. I don't give damn about cleaning this up. Just the fact i didn't even have anything to f****** do with it" he said slightly annoyed. "Yeah i know, but i was involved and i should take some responsibility." We both let out a sigh of relief. "Deena don't ever do that kind of shit again" he told me with a hint of warning in his words "hah i wont i learnt my lesson" i told him reassuringly. I walk into the main room and i see Deidara has come back from his mission. He takes his cloak off and slumps onto the couch "Hey Deidara. how was your day?" he opened his eyes to look at me "It was a busy day un. It was so hot, and wearing these cloaks makes it worse. I'm sorry i was gone all day Deena, un." I went to the kitchen to get Deidara some peach flavoured iced tea, which he was exetremely grateful of. I wanted to go and see if Pein was doing ok. I knocked on his office door, "come in" he sounded stressed out, i didn't blame him either after today who wouldn't be? "Oh it's just you Deena. What's wrong now?" he questioned in one way curious and yet you could tell he wasn't in the mood for more trouble today. "N..nothing Pein sama, i thought you might like a little company" i said trying not sound annoying. I gave him some tea. "Do you have any idea how stressed all of you make me?" he paused to sip the tea "First Kakuzu loses it this morning when he checks his bank records, then Madara punishes Puppet and Hidan, and then Saint destroys Madaras office, leaves and comes back." he was really annoyed "well....atleast it's never boring" i said laughing slightly. I took his empty cup of tea and put it back into the kitchen. I walked past gaby and alex and hug them both goodnight before knocking on Hidans door. Hidan let me sleep in his room because i was too affraid to sleep in my own room, i didn't want to die in my sleep or something stupid like that. We were up most of night talking about religion and war (which was really interesting), we ranted about the crappy day we had, and soon we both fell asleep on the floor.
