This world is no longer active, for the new Hideout go to Madara's profile. This world houses all the old posts only. -Pein


My mother looked at her husband head laying on the ground. She paused in look at me. "I know what you have come for, take it and leave. But before you go answer me this, why did you have to kill him?" She pulled a scroll out of her pocket and threw it at me. I caught it with one hand. "Finally the last scroll of our family." I said with a smile. "I am the sixth brother of six. I have been bet many times by that man. He killed my best-friend just to prove he was stronger. I am his Death and his Repear. It is a sweet and well deserved death for a beast like him. Now with this last scroll I will learn the final secrets of our clan." I walked out of the house and left the village. My mother walked over to my dead father's body and said with a smile "He's finally accepting his true power. He is not doubt the Reincarnation of that Lord."


Sorry for not posting sooner, last week was a lot more work than I expected. Needless to say, I understand why Pein stays so stressed. Well I'm heading out on a mission as of today, and I'm not sure when I will return. But remember even with Pein back, the rule about stealing other people stuff still applies to everyone, and I will punish all those who break it. Thats all for now.-Madara


Akatsuki I am also angry at our lack-luster performance. I returned from my vacation to see this?! This is not how the organization should be handling itself!! *slams fist on desk* I want every original member to report in and post here at least once a week. I do not believe that is asking much. I will be doing this also. I believe we owe it to our recruits who look up to us and we don't have the decency to let them know what's going on in our lives and work or with the Akatsuki in general. But, if you are really not able to do it; PM me so I know what's going on. Lately the only people who have posted are Puppet, Deena, Markus, Kisame, Amber and Gaby. Recruits you do not have to follow this rule as strictly but I do enjoy your posts. ^::^ Please keep this in mind.

Also I realize that I have not updated members so just as a heads-up to me please comment on any new members that need to be added.

Finally, I do not care what you post whether it be a picture, video, or story. The choice is yours. Let's please get the Akatsuki back on track so that we may be able to work toward our goal. Thank you my members; you may go on with your day. *turns and walks out of meeting room but stops* If this matter isn't settled I will be forced to reprimend any. If you are serious about Akatsuki RP then you better get your act together. *disapeers into room* ~Pein


I was packing stuff up. I was going back home for the first time in years. I decided that I was going to pay my father a visit. Just for a couple of days, then its back to the Akatsuki.

I arrived at my home village. People were stopping and starring at me. I knew most of these people. I arrived at my fathers house and knocked on the door. It oppened and my brother stood there looking shocked. "You going to let me in?" I asked. He quickly nodded and lead me to the main room. He took his seat with our other four brothers. My dad looked at me with anger in his eyes. "You dare come back after stealing our clans most sacred scrolls. You must have a death wish son, but if you return the scrolls all will be forgiven.........." His voiced trailed of as his head flew into the air. I stood there with my sword drawn dripping with blood. My brothers screamed, and I said, "Who's next?"


It was late in the hideout, and most everyone was asleep, Konan wasn't though, she was right next to her, waiting for her to fall asleep. But of course, Puppet couldn't sleep. She never slept, not unless there was a tree nearby.

Quietly, and without a word, Puppet exited the room and head for the common room type area. The room didn't really have a name, it's just the place where every demented person in this hideout hung out on a regular basis.

There had been a commotion earlier, but it hadn't registered in Puppet's mind, she was weak, she hadn't eaten, hadn't slept, and hadn't drank ever since she got there. At times like these, she hated being a Harpy. She sighed heavily, as she heard the sound of scampering across the floor.

Quickly Puppet's acute senses pinpointed the sound, and watched at a small creature skidded around the room, like a mouse seeking any kind of food it could find.

It was a good thing her senses were stronger than any humans, by far. She focused on the shape, and was able to discover that it was a spider. Oh how she hated spiders. They were so sadistic. Look at what they do to their prey? They trap them in their web, then they wrap this up in a silk cocoon and then... they save it for later like a treat. All the while, the prey will struggle for any release.

With a quick withdraw and throw of a dagger, the spider's blood leaked onto the floor. Good thing it was a red carpet. She went over, and got a bit of the blood on her finger and licked it off, a little tangy, but it restored some of her strength. Feeling better, she skipped off to Konan's room, to find her asleep. Puppet laughed a little, and took her spot in the corner and fell asleep.

Humming an old lullaby to remember the days. That she longed to remember.