This world is no longer active, for the new Hideout go to Madara's profile. This world houses all the old posts only. -Pein

Demon clan

Amber, in a butterfly kimono, went to visit part of her clan. 'Spread all over this idiotic human world' thought the demonic angel. She flu to the Leaf, and then switched to a cat. 'Stupid humans won't know the difference' She walked into the village, 'Maybe I'll check on the ninja here.....' In the middle of the village she waited for her sister to find her. The night before after fighting she told her to meet her here.
Ember, in her 'human' state. "Hello little kitty." She picked Amber up, and walked to her place. "Little bold are we, humans won't expect a red eyed cat, will they Amber." Ember was alittle annoyed, "You know it! Where would the fun be without my boldness?" Amber laughed, 'To stressed again.' The two talked about family, money, weapons, and the humans. The humans they were there to study.



*coughs* Uh, umm... interesting pic... >> Don't kill me ...

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It was early afternoon and i was still asleep in my bed, it was so warm i just didn't want to wake up or get out of bed. It was for once so peaceful in the base, unfortunately for me the peace never does last. I could hear Tobi banging on my door "DEENA CHAN WAKE UP LAZY, IT'S 12:30 IN AFTERNOON!!!!!" he shouted cheerily. I groaned tiredly because i was still tired after last night keeping Hidan company. "DEENA CHAN YOU PROMISED!!!" he wailed from the other side of the door. "alright...alright Tobi san I'm getting up. Give me 30 minutes to sort myself out and I'll meet you in the kitchen." I was almost ready i was just brushing my hair, i was about to tie it up but i couldn't find my hair tie which really annoyed me. I searched everywhere for it but i soon gave up. As i walked into the kitchen Tobi tackled me out of nowhere "urgh Tobi get off i can't make cookies with you sitting on me on the floor" said to him still tired like, "Tobi is sorry Deena chan. TOBI IS A GOOD BOY." We both got to our feet and he was just so hyper today, probably because i promised we would make homemade cookies today. I looked through the cupboards for needed utensils in order to make the cookies, while Tobi layed the ingredients out onto the table. i yawned again, "Why is Deena chan so tired today?" Tobi questioned me. "i was up talking to Hidan most of the night, neither of us could sleep" i explained. "DEENA HAS A BOYFRIEND!!!" he screamed i frowned angrily and hit Tobi on the head "I DO NOT!!!!" "owwwwwwie Tobi is sorry Deena chan. TOBI IS A GOOD BOY!!!" he said while rubbing the back of his head "Deena chan punches hard" he added i laughed "I have to, if I'm ever to shut you up sometimes. Oh Tobi i had an idea, lets make the cookies into the shape of the members, and make a few cloud shaped ones" i suggested to him "YAY TOBI THINKS THAT'S AN AWSOME IDEA!!!" he shouted while bouncing around the kitchen. Everything was going great until Tobi got hold of some of the flour "Tobi put the flour down, we need it to make the cookies" i said in a serious tone. He poured some of the flour into the bowl and proceeded to throw flour at me "OH MY GOD TOBI WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!! I FRICKEN SHOWERED TOO" i screamed and chased Tobi round the kitchen. I caught up with Tobi and took the flour away from him and emptied what was left all over him, by this time most of the kitchen was covered in flour. "TOBI LOOK WHAT YOU DID I'M SO NOT CLEANING THIS UP!!!" i sighed and took the cookie mixture out of the bowl handing Tobi half so he could make his cookies into shapes of the members while i made cloud shaped ones. I looked at Tobi's cookies i thought they looked really good but somewhat not exactly what you would call accurate, some of them will be mad about this thought, i didn't want to hurt Tobi's feelings. "hey Tobi those look really good" i told him "YAY THANK YOU DEENA SAN TOBI TRIED REALLY HARD TO MAKE THEM LOOK GOOD" i smiled and placed all of our cookies on the baking tray and put them into the oven. We both cleaned up the kitchen which now looked spotless. I took the cookies out of the oven and put them on a plate to cool down. By this time all the members had returned Chee glomped me out of nowhere, i assumed she missed me, the others asked what the smell was "oh me and Tobi made cookies today, Tobi has made special cookies for everyone and i made simple cloud shaped ones" i said rather proudly. "TOBI MADE AWSOME COOKIES THAT LOOK LIKE EVERYONE!!!" he shouted handing everyone their own personal cookies. Many of the members had horrified looks on their faces because like i said before they weren't exactly spot on they kind of mocked them in a way. It was too late to stop them Tobi was being chased by half the Akatsuki "TOBI IS A GOOD BOY!!!TOBI JUST WANTED TO MAKE YOU ALL COOKIES" he cried while running.


Amber flu into the sky to hang in the clouds. She watched the human members fight, talk or whatever they were doing. The demonic angel sighed, she had been injured in a fight with her sister the day before. "Should have seen that last blast of ice coming, she always goes for cheep shoots." Her sister's last attack almost cut her right arm off. Amber had healed herself in the clouds, and flu around just to injoy her time. Pein was stressed, as usaual, but was not mad with her. A flame coloured cloud was now under her, she sat down. Slowly she drifted to sleep, a few hours later she awoke. The demon jumped of the cloud and fell most of the way to the ground, then spread her angelic wings and landed carefully on the ground.
Now as a cat she walked to the leaf to find her sister. "Ember's so going to get it, stupid ice demon." said the angery feline, almost to the point of catching fire. The black cat blended in mostly, her red eyes were bright in the night.
Not long after she started her walk a pair of icy blue eyes shown in the shadows. It was her twin sister, "Ember...." Amber said in responce to her sister's presence. "Amber, fight? Again, I won last time." Ember was toying with her sister. Now both in their demonic forms, faught. They faught for the pure fun of it. This time Amber won, she faded into the shadows.
Appearing back in her room she drifted to sleep, smiling.


*Disappears into a cloud of paper flowers*