Kyoka Suigetsu's Help

Aizen sits in his throne thinking to himself, his chin propped to his closed hand as his elbow rest to the armrest of the throne. “It would appear that if Kita has remembered anything from her former life she is keeping it from me. I cannot control her like I use to when she was a weak and gullible human. So I cannot pry into her mind like before. She also has grown in strength, mental and physical; much more than I have realized. From the report Ulquiorra has given to me she is learning how to cope and deal with her new form of arrancar. How far will she take that power I wonder?” Aizen adjust his sitting position as he looked to his sword. A malice grin spread across his face. “Could she be hypnotized? Make her think she is doing what she sees as right when in turn she is walking right into my grasps.” Aizen stood with is hand to the hilt of Kyoka Suigetsu, “There is only one way to find out.” Aizen then called to one of the nearby numberso. “Find Kita. Tell her I seek her audience in my throne room.” The numberso nodded and left the room in search of Kita.
