I'm a jock i saw that one coming

[x] you own at least 5 black shirts
[x] you like skinny jeans
[x] you're listening to music right now
[x]you have painted your fingernails black before
[x] You have more than 300 songs on your ipod/mp3
[ ] Have attempted suicide
[x] Like the color black
[x] hate girly girls
[ ] have kissed the same sex before
[x ] Like to be alone
[x ] hate popular music
[x] keep hair in front of your face (sometimes)
[x ] give people evil stares
[ ] Hate your parents or one of them
[] Life sucks for you right now
[] have been called emo
[ ] Dislike the colors pink, green, teal and baby blue
[] own thick-rimmed glasses
[x] Complain a lot
[ ] own a studded belt
Total: 12
[ ] own more than 10 minishorts
[ ] own more than 10 miniskirts
[ ] have kissed more than 7 people
[ ] have been called a slut
[ ] drink a lot
[] You wear dark eye makeup
[ ] wear low cut shirts
[ ] have been called a tease
[ ] Flirt with everyone
[x] love the opposite sex
[ ] Go to parties/sleepovers at least once a week
[] wear tight clothing
[ ] own 5 tube tops
[ ] you've kissed more than 2 guys/girls
[ ] Like wearing swimsuits
[ ] Sit on the opposite sex's lap
[] People hate you
[ ] Its nice to be naughty
[] you cuss because you think its fun
Total: 1
[x]own at least 5 jerseys
[] Have 10 or more trophies
[x ] Where hair up almost every day
[x] Own 5 or more sweatpants
[ x] Dont wear makeup
[ x] Have / had played lacrosse
[ x] Play/played more than 2 sports
[x] Play sports
[x ] Can play a sport if you've never played it before
[ x] On first string
[x ] You play/played Tennis
[ ] You play/played Basketball
[ x] You play/played baseball-softball
[x] You play/played soccer
[ ] You run/ran track
[x ] You play/played football
[ x] Been called a jock
[ x] Have set a record
[ x] Are friends with your coach
[ x] Love watching sports
[x ]can do 17 push-ups in 20 seconds
Total: 18
PART FOUR (Doesn't apply to guys):
[] Own at least 5 polos
[ ] Own at least 5 pink shirts
[ ] Own at least 5 designer bags
[ ] Wear ribbons in you hair sometimes (ribbons are cute! ^^)
[ ] Love pearls
[ ] Only like popular music
[ ] Read tons of magazines
[ ] Love shopping
[ ] Go shopping usually once a week
[ ] Voted prom queen
[ ] Have dated a jock
[] Like attention (depends)
[] Always have your cellphone with you
[] Have more than 50 contacts on your phone
[ ] More than 30 guy contacts
[ ] Hate emo people
[] Wear make up (just eyeliner)
[ ] Is stupid
[ ] Wear heels
[ ] Wear your pants above your belly button
[ x] Wear glasses/contacts
[] have/had braces
[] In/have been in advanced classes
[ ] On Math team
[] Have all A's
[x] Have been called a nerd
[x] Is bullied (sometimes)
[ ] LOVE to learn
[x] Like your teachers
[x ] Watch history channel
[ x] Never go anywhere on the weekends
[x] Have been called weird
[x] Scared to talk to the opposite sex (this depends)
[x ] Don’t have pictures of yourself on MySpace (FB count?)
[] Read a book a month in your leisure time
[] You read on your last spring break
[ ] Have your own website
[ ] Wear pocket protectors
[x ] Done/does test corrections when you got above a 90 on it
[x] Did/does extra-credit when average is over an 85
[ x] Take notes on what the teachers tell you not to worry about
Total: 12
[x] own baggy/ long clothing
[ ] like to talk like a thug
[ x] you own gold/ silver chains
[ ] have a flat brimmed hat
[ ] like to wear a certain color because of a gang
[ ] you are in a gang
[ ] you mostly listen to rap music
[ ] you own clothes from lines such as ecko, sean john, g unit, 69, south pole, rasta, notorious
[ ] you have a nice sound system in your car
[ ] you never walk... you strut
[ ] you don’t like haters from rival gangs
[ ] you have a thug nickname
[ ] you hate emo people
[ ] you hate punk kids
[ ] you have made a gang
[ ] you can name more than 20 rappers
[ ] you can dance
[ ] you want to rap when you are older
[ ] you love turntables
[ ] hate the punks that are in fake gangs.
If you haven't noticed The parts represent the 6 high school stereotypes
Part 1= Emo
Part 2= Slut / man whore
Part 3= Jock
Part 4= Girly (doesn't apply to guys)
Part 5= Nerd
Part 6= Thug
Multiply each number by 3 then repost

I tag anyone who wants to do this
