A Little Secret

Chapter 3: Okay…What?

Toshiro and I walked to my father’s office in silence. I still was having a hard time believing him about elementals. They were an old legend that my father use to tell me stories about when I was younger. Elementals were wizards that could control one element so in a way they aren’t really wizards. Because the wizards in Harry Potter can control a whole bunch of different things and make potions and junk. But the more I thought about it the more it confused me. How was Toshiro able to stop me from moving and where did the ice come from. I know that the path led to him but…could he be right and elementals actually do exist.

“Sasuke…” Toshiro said snapping me out of my thoughts “come on.” He told me opening the door to the school.

As much as I didn’t want to get yelled at by my father I had to go anyways. Sean probably went crying to my father and said that Toshiro and I ganged up on him and beat him up or something like that. “Right I’m coming.” I sighed dragging myself along.

We walked in and went right to his office and he was sitting on the edge of his desk waiting for us. I couldn’t tell what his expression was if he was mad or what.

“Sit down you two.” He said so that’s what we did.

“Head master Kasai…” Toshiro started but was silenced by my father putting his hand up.

“It’s fine Toshiro you two aren’t in trouble, i’m just glad that you found at least one so far and it’s only the first day of school here.” My father stated.

“…What…” I asked “Is going on?”

“Head master Kasai you never told him?” Toshiro said.

“Never told me what?” I questioned feeling like I was being left out of a huge loop hole.

“Well I thought he was going to end up a mortal.” My father stated.

“Hey answer me what the hell is going on?!” I asked standing up.

My father stared down at me “Head master would you like me to explain?” Toshiro offered.

“No it’s alright I’ll tell him.” My father said “Sasuke, I am an elemental. Your mother is a mortal. Those stories I told you when you were younger were true. I am not the head master of this school but of another school. One for elementals, and I brought Toshiro along to help me find the elementals here.” My father explained.

I blinked a few times trying to understand what was just said to me. “But you…and he…are…but elementals are just a myth.” I stuttered pulling at my hair.

“Sasuke I told you before elementals are not a myth.” Toshiro stated.

“I just… I need to think about this.” I groaned and walked out of the room. When I was out of the building I ran for the gate of the school and I really didn’t care at the moment that I left my bag back in my father’s office. I just wanted to get away from the school. I ran home and went to open the door but then remembered that I left my keys in my bag, which was in school. So instead I went to the park. The park was quiet because all the little kids had gone home with their parents to get dinner ready and stuff. That’s alright though that meant I could sit on the swing in peace and didn’t have to listen to little kids yelling and running around. I sat down on the left far end swing but my feet didn’t leave the ground I just rocked back and forth and looked up at the sky. Some birds flew over me.

‘I wish I could have wings so I could fly away and leave all my troubles behind.’ I thought watching them pass.

After a few more minuets I took a deep breath and closed my eyes “When I open my eyes again everything will be back to normal.” I muttered.

I opened my eyes and jumped making my self fall off my swing backwards.

“Haha hiya Sasuke.” My best friend Rangiku smiled.

“Rangiku don’t scare me like that.” I said getting my feet off the swing and sitting up.

“Sorry I can’t help it Sasuke you’re just so easy to scare when you’re concentrating.” She laughed helping me back up.

Rangiku and I have been friends since we were little. She had a nice wave to her light brown hair and chestnut brown eyes. For the longest time we were the same height. Then over to past few months I’ve shot up. I think I’m five foot nine now. Anyways we sat on the swings and started talking.

“What is this we finally get to be in the same school again and we don’t have any of the same classes together. Not even lunch.” She stated.

“Sorry about that. But I’m going to be living in the dorms. My parents said it was alright.” I mentioned.

She bumped into me and hit my swing hard enough so I could catch the pole.

“So what was the whole I’m going to close my eyes and everything will go back to normal spiel about?” She asked.

“It’s nothing just a ruff first day is all.” I sighed.

“Really…come on Sasuke I know you better than that; now tell me what’s wrong?” She was another person that was good at know when I was lying.

I was about to tell her when someone yelled my name. Looking up I sighed as I was Toshiro come walking up.

“Sasuke who’s your new friend?” Rangiku said.

“His name is Toshiro Uindo.” I groaned and he came closer.

“Sasuke why did you run off?” He asked.

“Because I didn’t want to here any more of it.” I told him.

“Well you can’t run away from it Sasuke it’s what you are.” He said.

“What are you two talking about?” Rangiku interrupted.

I glared at Toshiro. “Sasuke is an elemental and so am I.” He answered and I smacked my head.

“You can’t just go and tell people.” I shouted.

“SO you’re accepting that you’re an elemental?” Toshiro smirked.

“But elementals are a myth, I’m Rankiku by the way.” She smiled.

“Toshiro nice to meet you, and elementals are not a myth they are really what do you think is sitting next to you and standing in front of you?” He asked.

“But my mom always told me that elementals were fariys that protected you, when I was little.

“Do I look like a fairy to you Ran?” I muttered.

“Well no but that’s what I always thought that an elemental was.” She answered.

“No elementals are humans like everyone else. But we go to a different realm when we find our powers. Like a week here is about a day there and so on.” Toshiro explained.

I fell out of my swing onto my back purposely this time to stair at the sky.

“Sasuke are you alright?” Toshiro asked.

“He’s fine, he falls off of things every now and again for no particular reason.” Ran stated.

‘This…is not going to be fun.’ I thought looking up at the sky and watching to clouds go by.

…to be continued…

if you have any questions just ask and i'll be happy to answer them as best as i can