A Little Secret

Chapter 1: Must be first day of school jitters

I listened to that annoying sound of my alarm clock and didn’t want to get up. Come on who wants to get up on their first day back to school. Yes grant this is my junior year of high school. Unfortunately I didn’t need to get a detention on my first day of school. And god forbid it make my dad look bad if I got one. SP reluctantly I got up and slammed my hand down on the obnoxious object that was generating that horrible beeping sound. My room was a mess but I knew exactly where everything was. The walls are a light blue color but you wouldn’t be able to notice because of all the anime wallpapers that I plastered all over the walls. Finally standing up I made my way over to my dresser and pulled out a random pair of jeans and a shirt then I got changed in about two three minuets. Then I walked out of my room and my bare feet made a quiet clicking sound as I walked down the wood floor hall.

“Morning mom.” I yawned running my fingers through my hair to attempt to brush it.

“Did you brush your teeth?” She asked walking around getting things together for work.

“I’ll brush my teeth after I eat.” I told her taking a bite of an apple.

“Just make sure the you brush your teeth and that you get to school on time.” She said brushing my hair back and kissing my forehead. “And brush your hair for once Sasuke.”

“Right I’ll get right on that.” I told her taking another bite of my apple.

She left the house and I laughed to my self “Right like I’m going to brush my hair.”

After I finished up my breakfast I brushed my teeth and then looped into my bedroom to grab my bag then left the house. It didn’t help that I was kicked out of my out school; of course I really didn’t care but now that I’m going to the school where my father is the head master…I may do better I haven’t quite decided that yet. Sighing as the school came into view I noticed that the school had dorms maybe I could convince my parents to let me stay on campus instead of having to walk to school everyday. But considering we live so close that probably won’t happen. When I walked into the school I went straight to my fathers office.

“Morning dad.” I greeted sitting on the arm of one of the chairs in his office.

“Sit all the way down in the chair Sasuke.” My father said without looking at me.

Maybe parents just know when you’re doing something wrong. I slid into the chair.

“Hey dad do you think I can…” He cut me off.

“My mother and I discussed it and there is a bed open in one of the dorms, you can stay in the dorms; also your mother said it would get you use to the school a bit more.” He told me clicking away on the keyboard.

“Cool so when can I move my stuff in?” I asked perking up. ‘Maybe going to this school won’t be so bad.’

“I had student services give me your schedule and your dorm room number and key.” Father said stopping what he was doing and opening a drawer to pull out two pieces of paper and a small envelope. “You can check out your dorm after school and over the week you can get what you want to bring to your dorm and over the weekend we’ll get your stuff over to your dorm.” He explained.

“Wait so I have to spend the rest of the week at home?” I asked.

“Yes you’ll be walking to school for the rest of the week.” My father mentioned leaning back in his chair. “Now your locker is on your schedule paper. “

“So I’m guessing that’s y indication to leave?” I questioned starting to stand up.

“I better not see you in here for the rest of the day unless I call you down here.” My father said as I walked to the door.

“Alright, alright I’ll try to be good.” I stated waving as I left the office.

I got my black hair from my mother and my eyes from my dad. There were a lot of kids already roaming around the halls and putting their bags in their own lockers. After walking down a few random halls I found my locker. Getting the locker open on the first try I emptied my bag and threw it in the locker then grabbed a pen, pencil, and a note book. Looking at my schedule I didn’t pay attention to where I was going and I ran right into someone.

“Ow.” I groaned from banging my head off the wall from the collision.

“I’m sorry, you alright?” I opened my eyes to see who the voice belonged to.

It was a guy, well I should have figured that. If it was a girl that knocked me over I would’ve felt a little embarrassed. He had spiky silver hair and golden eyes.

“Yea I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” I told him rubbing the back of my head.

“I’m Toshiro, by the way Toshiro Uindo.” He greeted holding out a hand.

“I’m Sasuke Kasai, nice to meet you.” I said shacking his hand.

“So your head master Kasai’s kid.” Toshiro stated shifting his books to his other hand.

“Yea that’s me…well I’m going to head to my first period class.” I told him starting to head off in the opposite direction.

“What’s the class?” He asked making me stop and turn around.

“an art class…why.” I said.

“What art class?” Toshiro questioned.

“An art class…I’ll catch you around Toshiro.” I waved to him and started heading in the opposite direction again.

I made it to my Drawing and Painting class and sat down in the nerest chair to the door. The morning seemed to breeze by and then I got to lunch. So far so good with not getting in trouble. For some reason I just didn’t feel like eating so I didn’t go to lunch I just roamed the halls avoiding my fathers office and the teachers that were on hall duty. I went into a bathroom when a teacher walked by. Running the water in one of the sinks I watched the water twist it’s way down the drain. I checked my watch and decided that I should start heading off to my next class. For some reason it felt like I was starting to get sick. Maybe it was because I skipped lunch or something I don’t know I just felt like I had a fever. So I asked my teacher if I could go to the nurse’s office but I couldn’t make it there in time considering it was on the other side of the school. I leaned against the wall and slid down. I felt like I was going to just burst into flames.

“I just want this day to be over with.” I Muttered to myself.

After a few minuets I got up off the floor and blasted the cold water then stuck my hands under the water. Steam came off my hands which was confusing me. My hands didn’t feel cold at all, they were still warm like I had lukewarm water running over them. Hearing someone walk in I didn’t bother looking up to see who it was.

“Oh hey Sasuke.” It was Toshiro so I looked up.

“Hey.” I greeted.

“You look sick.” He mentioned.

“I’m fine, so what are you doing in here?” I asked.

“We’re in the same class so the teacher told me to make sure you were alright.” Toshiro explained. “Would you like me to go and get the nurse?”

“No I’ll be fine, you can just go back to class.” I told him looking back down at my hands and pulling them out of the water. They quickly dried without me having to use a paper towel so I stuck them back under the water.

“Alright.” He said “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes, just go.” I sighed.

I heard him walk out and I turned off the water to the sink and pulled out one of the paper towels. I started drying off my hands and it caught on fire. Dropping it in the sink I turned on the water again to put it out.

“What…did I just do?” I asked myself looking at my hands.