[Meme] - 30 Day Song Challenge - day 02 - Least Favorite Song

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day 02 - your least favorite song: "Crank That" by Souja Boy

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FUCK. I hate this song for many reasons:

  • It sucks. Seriously, there's no amount of musical intelligence required to make this song. It's overly repetitive, pathetically simple, and there's no real bass to it. It fails harder than Charlie Sheen's drug tests.

  • It's the type of song that gets stuck in your head, and strikes at the worst of times. There are just times when I feel compelled to sing this abomination- right out of nowhere- "YOUUUUUUUU-" and then I'm like, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-".
  • The actual meaning of the song? It's so vulgar, I can't even describe it here without breaking TheOtaku's Terms of Service. When I finally figured out what it meant, I had a moment of-

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Terribly however, Travis Barker's remix actually... improved the song. Made it more catchy... therefore, it turned into rage!hate!yet-tolerable remix/song. God, I loathe it all.

addition: The song, "With a Spirit" by 009 Sound System is a close second; it replaces great audio/songs on YouTube, so, whenever you hear it, it's literally the sound of failure.
