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Over time, this place has become my sporadic, and very random blog 'thing'. I'm too much of a personal person to post about everything that happens in my real life, but my internet life is all here for you to check out. Let the randomness ensue.

Also in this world, I shall post:

Segments: Agree or Disagree?, Pet Peeves

Other Sites You'll Find Me: Tumblr, Minitokyo, DeviantART, LiveJournal (I don't visit this much), Blogspot (I visit this even less), Twitter (I joined this site over a year ago because of my infatuation with Tom Felton) Since my absence, Tom Hiddleston has become my life-ruiner. Don't understand it? Just research him and it'll happen to you too. That man is a Disney Prince, brought to life.

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Urban Meme

Title sounds like a crappy Reality TV show, I know.

Got this from blu moon's world, and so I've discovered the WTF-ness of Urban Dictionary. And that my name is amazing.

1. What is your name?

Definition: A bad ass motherfucker who who won't take no shit off of nobody.

It's about time people recognized my badass ways.

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2. How old are you?

Definition: The Canadian drinking age. 2 years better than 21.

What? I couldn't hear you over the sound of exploding cars and hockey rinks.

3. What is one of your friends’ names?

Definition: A girl who is awesome in all her ways. She is fly and skilled beyond belief. Everyone else is jealous of her good looks.

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Damn straight, she is.

4. What should you be doing?

Definition: The most vile and unacceptable chore known to all people still living at home with their parents.

Ouch! That's so correct, it burns.

5. What is your favourite colour?

Definition: Flavor of kool-aid to a black person.


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Never mind the fact that I'm half black, and my favorite flavor in fact IS cherry kool-aid--- alright, I'm shutting up now.

6. Where were you born?

Definition: A country that claims the name of an entire continent to itself alone for no compelling reason.

So basically, America is just going-

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and everywhere else is just completely horrified/confused.

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7. What month were you born in?

Definition: The month the hottest people in the world are born.

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Damn straight- I'm melting the keys off my keyboard right now.

8. What day were you born on?
Frida- oh FUCK.

Definition: The day after Thursday and before Saturday, according to Rebecca Black. Also the most annoying day of the week now.

9. Who was the last person you talked to?


Definition: Random word when someone says something random and annoying
Annoyance: "Ewww, What's that"
You: "Your MOTHER!!"

Annoyance: "Miss, what are we doing today?"
You: "Your MOTHER!"

Annoyance: "This work is so easy, Miss"
You: "Just like... your MOTHER!"

Annoyance: "Peanut"
You: "Your MOTHER!"

10. What is one of your nicknames?

Definition: That gay ass prick from Pokemon.

No, I'm the best, that no one ever wassss-

Wow, is this a rant? Amazing.

  • Dog is sick again.

It wasn't UTI, but several calcium stones in her bladder that caused all of the previous issues. However, it will cost $700+ to get her an operation- so we've saving up. So, the money + the dog being sick and crying again =

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  • Some doctors are greedy jackasses. Need an example?

Joku went to the office the first time, had her blood tested, and it was concluded that she most likely had UTI. However, since they weren't positive, naturally they did other tests to reach conclusive results, right?


Instead of giving her an X-RAY the first day that she visited, it was more profitable for them to charge us for $200 medication for UTI, that ended up being useless because she was misdiagnosed.

When we arrived the second time, that's when they had the courtesy of giving her an x-ray (which cost us too), and then we found out what was really wrong with her.

I don't think I'll ever fully understand human beings. I've always hated visiting doctor's offices; but I don't screw them over, do I? My sister for instance, she's completely disabled, so we take her to the doctor often- and there was this one doctor I met, I think I wanted to just... throw into a distant time-space continuum?

She reads a file on my sister for 2 minutes (about her extremely rare disease and seizures), and speaks to us, like we knew absolutely nothing.

She literally said, "Are you sure she's still having seizures? Because she might've outgrown them."
I wanted to say, "Well no, after smoking all of this marijuana, it feels like I'm in an alternate reali- of fucking course she is, you daft broad! I've only been living with her since my conception."

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So what have we learned for today?
Fuck modern doctors, Dr. Seuss all the way.

Life Doesn't Make Sense

I've realized now an unavoidable truth. Life doesn't make sense at all. Need an example?

  • Mother and I got into an argument, things escalated, and now we're no longer talking to each other. In this case, looks permanent.

  • I went to bed last night, watching Sherlock Holmes but feeling alone and depressed inside.
  • I wake up and find that the puppy has pooped everywhere and I need to clean it immediately.

However, last night I also had this super-hilarious nightmare/dream that I literally woke up laughing from. Which made me have a smile all day today, and prompted me to listen to Micheal Jackson's song, "Black or White" first thing. I have nightmare even on my most joyous of days, however, when the world has crapped on my dreams, I have an excellent one.

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That doesn't even being to make sense.

This makes about as much sense as-

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Hahaha, vampires.

Little Updates

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  • I've started watching Doctor Who. Have I been missing out on something awesome? I think so.

  • For Ritona Raito's birthday, I'm going to finally, finally start watching Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann! Luckily, Netflix has the first season on Instant Play, so today shall be consumed with Doctor Who and TTGL today. ;)
  • I'm completely and shamefully addicted to Detective Conan; I'm on episode 281+, because with a fine eye for details, one truth prevails.
  • I've fallen in love with the broken up band, JJ72- look them up and join me in this love fest.
  • My dog is feeling all better; no more horrid symptoms.
  • My puppy and rottweiler Joku are not getting along much anymore- they bit each other... so yes, bitches be crazy
  • My cat is still being a punk. He's adorable nonetheless. However, I will have two permanent scars from his claws (refer to previous posts)
  • My laptop died, so I need to buy a new charger for it. Trust me, I'm lamenting seriously right now. That's where I keep my porn- I mean, important research documents. //cough, cough
  • I've picked up my addiction to tea up again, I've got Green Tea and original brewin' right now.
  • Septic tank went insane- so some horrid crap happened. And I mean that as literally as possible.
  • A day spent on Minitokyo catapulted me into liking K-Pop. Damn you B2ST, SHINee, 2PM, and BIGBANG. Seriously, my love of music is all over the place.
  • My mother is totally weird-ed out with my Snape addiction. Even his Britishness can't convert her. Damn it.
  • I had a bad, bad allergic reaction to a shampoo I used, lost a note worthy amount of hair, and my scalp hates me now. If you listen closely, you can hear it whisper- "FUUUUUUUUU-"

And on a totally related and relative note,
Dear Nicolas Cage- get rid of your hair.


Common Sense

Anti-L'Oreal, because it's not worth it.

--> insert random crying/happy gif here

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  • Real life birthday = pretty cool, going the park/beach next week to celebrate/barbaque with family!

  • Online birthday = supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

You guys are amazing, I've never felt this loved in a while. So many gifts, dedications, and so many kind words. And my love of Death Note, sexy bandaged villains, and troubled, deliciously robed wizards- exposed!

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And Angel Zakuro made me two awesome icons,
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Overall, my birthday turned out great, and as mentioned before, the family is setting a date for next week to head over to a great park, where there might be fishing, barbaque, and great picture snapping. :) I got to spend some quality time with my mother, that meant the world to me, and both of my dogs showed me they loved me in their own special way.

Meaning: "No, don't eat those shoes! Noooooooo-"

And then I was just happy all day with all of the gifts yesterday. Thanks for all of the kind words, I feel so appreciated. :) I'll make sure to return the favor for your guys' birthdays as well.

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And not going to lie, blu, I'm totally looking at the Severus card with this expression-

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I'd totally creep out Alan Rickman in real life, wouldn't I?