These are the days it never r.a.i.n.s but it P.O.U.R.S

Long title.
It's from the song Under Pressure, which is what the topic of this post is going to be about.

Sooo my family and I went to this kareoke place on Saturday night from 10 or 10:30-ish to midnight. It was fun, although Akioh kept saying it was getting too late after every other song. xD
But seriously. It was fun. One of the songs I sang with Akioh (a.k.a. my sister and "moonlit dream" on theOtaku) was Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie. I never really knew most of the words to that song until that night when the words were right infront of us on the big TV. xD I thought they were touching (awwh. xD) and it was my favorite song of the night. Ever since then I've had that song stuck in my head. That's four days and counting, guys.
I mean, I don't really have a problem with it because I like the song. I'm just saying. xD

It's a good song, guys. I dareeee youu to CHANGE OUR WAY OF...
Sorry. Lyrics from the song.
What I meant was I dare you to look it up. Look up the lyrics, too, if you want. It's really nice. ;D
