Battle of the Bands?

Yes. Battle of the Bands.
It was this thing at my school where a couple of kids performed some original songs in their bands infront of an audience. I was in this audience. :D It was a lot of fun.

Um.. there were a couple metal bands, one instrumental, two just normal rock bands and one band that nobody knows what it was because they dropped out. Uuuhhh.. it was loud. For the last 2 bands, which were both metal/punk/I'm not really sure what bands, 2 of my friends and I stood up right infront of the stage. Next to a speaker. Now the hearing in my right ear is significantly worse than the hearing in my left ear after standing next to that speaker. xDDD

But yeah. It was still fun, despite the speaker destroying the hearing in my right ear. :D

Takara o-u-t! (Over. *brchtkszzzsh.*)
