Bappy Balentine's Bay!!! <3

I don't know why I wrote that with B's instead of the correct letters. Haha.

Anyways, happy Valentine's Day, everybody! In case anyone cares, I had an awesome Valentine's Day with mah boy Chris. Hehe. x3 We were watching the Drake and Josh Man-a-thon. It was pretty much the best thing ever. xDDD
I love that show. My favorite is Josh, but Drake isn't far behind. They're both hilarious.
At least, I think they are. xD
Chris wrote me a card with a really embarassing poem on the inside. Hehehe. It's so sweet. :) I gave him this rose that I bought at Katsucon yesterday for $2.
Speaking of Katsu, it was pretty fun! I'll have to find our skit online sometime so you all can see how well, or how not well, I performed. x3 Of course, nobody knew my sister and I were cosplaying as our Rock Band OCs Dare and Loyal, but whatever. I don't need strange people taking pictures of me anyways. Haha.

I hope everybody had a really good Valentine's day! :D
Spread the looooove, man. <3 <3 <3 <3
