Picture of the Day!

It's time for a special PICTURE OF THE DAY! That's right a very special picture!

Every Sunday, I will post a picture dedicated from one member to another. Just send me a link to the picture (preferably on Photobucket) and tell me who you wish to dedicate the picture to!

So for today's dedication, it goes of from me (kyouyarenge) to our oh-so-wonderful sponsor wh2000!

It features, from left to right, Kuro-poo and Fai-san from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles (wh-kun, you should get this :3). We see a poor kitten getting stabbed by a sheathed blade, and having its side crushed by a tall-guy-turned-short, who probably weighs less than 90lbs at normal size. Lucky I mean, poor guy. Poor poor guy...

See you tomorrow on PICTURE OF THE DAY! *cool new theme music*
