Quick Notes

-- I went to buy Street Fighter 4 today but it was sold out everywhere (and in NYC everywhere means like 100x different places) @_@

-- I spend so much time dealing with nonsense it's amazing. For example the US Post Office about a month ago decided that in 10% of instances, my address doesn't exist. You can imagine how hard it is to constantly get calls asking why they got a 'return to sender' note

Another example: I told a company I work with that my company name is "Velegant Inc" and I said "space" in between the Velegant and the Inc. Instead of seeing the space as meaning spacebar, they thought it was the word "Space" - GROAN

-- I bought these nice glass-looking frames from Staples today and printed out some fan art from theO and put them around my apartment. Looks very nice!

-- In my ongoing effort to get organized I bought a filing cabinet and a book case. It arrives in a couple weeks but I am really excited to make my apartment nice and tidy

-- The MONSTER feature is probably going to launch on Version Vibrant's 1-year anniversary (March 3rd)
