Hi Otakus

It's been too long. I have a few updates for you:

- The last year and a half I've been employed at a magazine company full time. The main reason is that I went broke with the fall of the anime industry, the economy, and the worse-than-expected performance of Nimble

- Working full time has used a lot of my energy, which explains why accomplishments are slow around the network. I've felt conflicted about this. On the one hand projects like theOtaku and Nimble and 100ThingsILearned have always been the most important part of my life and I feel sad that so much time has passed without too much new. On the other hand I have done good work at the company and it's good to have financials under control. I yearn to do both, but it's HARD.

- Careers are tough. Politics, back stabbing, lack of control in some cases. I miss the working relationships with superstars who are also people that I have strong chemistry with. I question what I'm doing a lot and there have been a few moments where I considered quitting on the spot. Everything can be going great one month and the next is horrible.

- The Steve Jobs biography is good so far. I'm reading it on the iPhone, like I do most my books these days. (It's more pleasant than it sounds.)

- I'm rewatching the entire Cowboy Bebop series. It's my favorite anime TV show of all time. I'm feeling nostalgic and a little existential.
