April 26, 2011 10:13pm

Whoa, holy crap, I never realized how late it was. Dang!

theOtaku needs a mobile version. BADLY. XD Maybe I should suggest it to Adam one day. :D I bet people already have though, so maybe I can wait...

Short blog today.

I have to write a 40-50 page script on the chapter we're reading in History. I'm with Na-chan and two other girls I'm friends with. We perform May 16th. When is our Drama Club play? May 14th. LOL Wow! XD Saturday and Monday! Busy last few weeks, yah?

I've begun to speak pigeon because I've lived here for so long. Five and a half years. 5 1/2 years. I want to move! But at the same time, I love it here. <3

